Evaluation of the ACT response to ACT appeal MEPL 51, 61, 71 in oPt

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Utført av:Randa Hilal and Bassam Abu Hamad
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid (KN)
Tema:Humanitær bistand
Antall sider:0

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Since the beginning of the second Palestinian Intifada on 29 September 2000, the conflict between the Israeli occupying forces and the Palestinian people has escalated ever more. The occupation practice since the late 1960s consisted of setting up settlements on Palestinian land and protecting the settlements with military measures, expropriating and rendering land inaccessible to the Palestinian population.

The political stalemate has created a continued humanitarian crisis. To respond to this crisis, ACT international has issued a number of appeals since 2001, which included different ACT members; the Near East Council of Churches/Department of Service to Palestine Refugees (NECC/DSPR), LWF, and the IOCC.
Since 2001, DSPR has received appeal funds of over five Million US$ and benefited from further funds of 3.89 MUS$. ACT CO and DSPR have agreed to evaluate the implementation of appeal 51, 61and 71 and draw conclusions for further assistance.

Purpose/ Objective:
The two main objectives of the evaluation are:
1. To measure the impact and assess the performance of the interventions.
2. To provide a learning opportunity for future operations.

The evaluators used a triangulated methodology called Rapid Participatory Approach which included reviewing and analyzing the project documents, conducting in-depth interviews and focus groups with various beneficiaries and stakeholders, and carried out extensive field visits to the implementation sites during the period June to July 2008.

Key Findings
Findings: Organizational Issues DSPR- Gaza:
Evaluators examined the various emergency response modalities which included provision of cash assistance, job creation and supporting basic services programs (health and training), supporting farmers who had been negatively affected by the Israeli incursions and providing hot meals to 400 preschool children
There was a broad consensus that the components of the appeals were relevant and served highly vulnerable populations at a critical time. The provided assistance is on line with the overall international principles of emergency assistance. The diverse modalities of the emergency response provided flexibility in responding to the multifaceted needs resulting from the complex situation. Overall, the response achieved its intended goals, despite of the difficult political and contextual factors. The assistance had been delivered to the intended beneficiaries in a relatively timely manner. Due to the continuity of the emergency situation, appeals were extended.

The impact of the emergency response can be regarded as positive in general. Although the impacts of the different components of the appeals were perceived differently, the provided support had at least partially met basic needs of the targeted victims. Another important impact is the noticeable positive psychological impact of the assistance on the imprisoned population in Gaza. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the emergency situation in Gaza (man-made; political in nature), the provided assistance wasn’t able to completely solve the humanitarian situation; simply, it is a humanitarian situation with a non-humanitarian solution. The support was managed in an appropriate manner and the coordination among the involved parties was very good. The community perceived the teams working on the assistance, and more noticeably, the management of the DSPR-Gaza as very committed, dedicated, transparent, cooperative and responsive.

Findings: Organizational Issues DSPR- West Bank:
The consultants evaluated the various response approaches used by DSPR-WB. Findings revealed that most communities reached are those affected by the emergency, either trapped in the conflict or affected by the Separation Wall and closure regime imposed on the WB. Spread of response was extensive and reached wide geographical areas in the North and the center of the WB, the targeted area by DSPR-WB. The responses reached diversified communities, Refugee Camps, Villages, Bedouins and affected zones in cities. Findings indicated that DSPR-WB was able to achieve more than planned when
comparing received amount to budgeted. The appeals 51, 61 and 71 enabled the DSPR-WB to reach 16,013 beneficiaries in the different areas within the North and Center of WB with a budget of around 1MUS$, indicating effectiveness and high achievement of goals and objectives of the appeals. The DSPR-WB approaches used in the response to emergency were found relevant and appropriate to the beneficiaries and
had different impacts on different communities and categories of beneficiaries. The Food Aid approach had the highest impact in contingencies, specific short term emergency on certain location or population, and for special categories of the population, the social cases or destitute, other wise job creation and livelihood support had the highest relevancy and impact.

Regarding ACT visibility in both West Bank and Gaza, most beneficiaries and local organizations recognized that the assistance is provided by the "churches" but without recognizing the ACT as an identity.

Findings: Organizational Issues DSPR- Central:
The MECC/DSPR Central Office was successful in communicating the emergency, in heading the efforts for developing the responses and in mobilizing resources through the ACT alliance network.

• Regarding the cash assistance in Gaza, revision of the targeting approach and criteria is recommended.
• Evaluators recommended that DSPR-West Bank to concentrate their responses on job creation and livelihood support, while provide food aid only in contingencies and for special groups. The Education and Medical assistance were minimal, although the education support was appropriate. Therefore; evaluators recommended that DSPR-WB network with other NGO or CRO professional institutes for drug provisions and to avoid “personal medical assistance” unless certain measures are taken.
• Partner organizations implementing in the field have high participation in the process, yet their participation needs
enhancement in the planning and deciding on the intervention and the evaluation part of the response. In addition target group
participation needs enhancement. There should be involved at the beginning in a proper Needs Assessment process, and in the planning of the intervention and approach, in evaluating the response. It was recommended that organization carry out a participatory Needs Assessment, that includes gender specifics, at the development stage of the response and that ACT develops its process to include such elements without risking its responsiveness.
• The involvement of the Central Committee as an overall governance body in overseeing directions and impact of
responses needs activation.
• The role of communicating changes and emergency development to ACT and members for increased flexibility
requires enhancement.
• There is a high demand for the DSPR-CO to enhance its PME role for the emergency response.