Management for Reduction of the Risk with Approach of Childhood and Adolescence Rigths in the Municipalities of Siuna and Rosita Región of the North Atlantic Autonomous Region. Nicaragua

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Utført av:National External Consultant
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0

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The bad and scanty acess roads, dispersion of the population, high indexes of illiteracy, violence intrafamily,  inaccessibility to the basic services of health and education, unemployment and  intensive deterioration of environment, demonstrate the persistence of severe conditions of risk in these communities.    This reality aggravates the situation of extreme poverty in many communities, with natural resources available in its  geographical space but, without the sufficient organizational and technical aptitude to take advantage of them rationally, diminishing the capacity to answer the risks that they are exposed and to the basic needs for their survival.
This context damages the rights of the girls and boys, condition that worsens in situations of disasters. The experience of the emergency provoked by the hurricane Félix, in  2007, exceeded the capacity of rapid response of the National System for the Prevention, Mitigation and Attention to Disasters, reflecting weaknesses in the coordination  of the institutions that integrate it, for this reason, this project contemplates the strengthening to the governments, the local structures and the communities to contribute to the effective reduction of the risk.

Analyze the initial logical frame of the project and the processes carried out to achieve the intermediate results, from a perspective of critical analysis, with the partifipación of all involved actors: a) Direct beneficiaries; b) Technical equipment of the project and the technical Committee with MINED, Civil Defense, URACCAN, SINAPRED; c) Members of COMUPRED and municipal Governments.
And to contribute hereby to address  in a systematic way all the actions in favor of the final results awaited and checked in the light of the lessons learned in the initial phase.

i)   Initial Exchange between S C, URACCAN, Civil Defense, MINED, COSUDE, Municipalities of Siuna and Rosita, to need the methodology; they were considered to be principal executors to Save The Children, Civil Defense and URACCAN
ii)  Documentary Review: Document of Project, quarterly reports, counterfoil of logical frame, counterfoil of budget, and the agreements signed between the different actors.
iii)  Interviews semi - structured to the principal actors: Save The Children, Cosude, SINAPRED, Civil Defense, Mined, URACCAN.
iv)  Workshop of analysis of the financial execution of the project where werw informed Save The Children 's key areas.
 v)  Workshop of participative evaluation, where were analyzed in detail  programmed results versus real executed results.
vi) Internal workshop to readequacy of logical frame of the project taking as principal inputs the lessons learned in the previous phase and the financial analysis that has been done of the current execution.

Key findings   
Advances:                                                                                                                                                                             Programmatical execution of the project: Excellent execution. The majority of programmed activities have been realized successfully: Civil Defense has worked more to level of community, community Diagnoses realized, elaborated plans of emergency, shaped the COMUPRED and the COLOPRED, qualified the community members of the local Brigade, etc. Equipment of the comunities: it has not been achieved in its entirety, there expects to be achieved the aim of installation of radio communicators in the year 2011.
 Partner URACCAN: it is had successful to more technical level with great impact; SC and the MINED to educational level also with great impact
Intermunicipal coordination: there are some advances, but still certain resistance exists for operating  taken agreements.
 Formation of the main multipliers: one has overcome the programmed goals, and still Save The Children possesses additional guides who can be used to extend the coverage.
 Formation of the technical personnel in the postdegree on Management of Risk: Some lags in the phase of take-off,  required an extension of term to promote the participants in February, 2011.
 Worldwide, in the last months of the year 2010, the program showed high degree of operative and financial execution, overcoming the initial difficulties. The learned lessons will help to support the current pace of execution in the year 2011.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dificulties:
i)   Initial Lags in the phase of take-off of the project due to late disbursements, and consistently the late contracting of the personnel of the project.
ii)   The reorganization process of Save The Children  and the consistent curve of learning, the rotation of the personnel has been a main problem
iii)  The new experience of climbing in the intervention, working with the municipal authorities of this Region, in a new and complex environment.
 iv)   The initial design of the project presents several interrelated objetives, in simultaneous execution, involving several partners. This alliances participants suppose the utilization of the strengths of the Institutions, but also fighting with the structural weaknesses of every partner.

Conclusions and Recommendations agreed between the parts 
 1)   It is suggested that the involved parts should extend the horizon of execution of the project until ends of October, 2011.
 2)   S C's reorganization, with a system of budget, acquisition and financial administration it will help to improve the efficiency of the decentralized management of Siuna, in the financial execution of the project.
 3)   To check exhaustively the budget of operative expenses, and as far as possible, to reorientate to the field investment items that they have not executed.
4)   It is suggested that the final evaluation it will be realized with a approach of Results Orientation  Management, to have a clear idea of the practical and strategic changes that have been achieved in the communities and institutions where the project has affected.
 5)   It is recommended to make small evaluations appellants of real advance of the project to take opportune decisions on possible lags that can prevent the ending with quality of the project
6)  It is recommended to improve the endowment of the field personnel of  necessary means to execute their missiones: means of transport, travel allowances, fuel. The suggestion of increasing the costs of field operation justifies itself for the great quantity of planned activity

Comments from the organisation, if any