Mid-Term review of NCAs Integrated Development Programme in Nuba Mountains

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Mr. Joseph Gathogo Ngugi, team leader, Mr Fudolalla A. Gadir Abukindi (SRRC/HAC) and Mr. Mahdi Anur Daud (NRRDO)
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Tema:Helse, Utdanning og forskning, HIV/AIDS
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:SDN-2019 SDN-07/055

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Nuba Mountains is classified as one of the least developed areas in the Sudan when it comes to existing infrastructure and public services such as education, health and water. NCA started an integrated program in Nuba in 2002, working on both sides of the conflict line, but within a relatively limited geographical range.

Purpose/ Objective:
To take stock of the status of the project implementation to date. The objective of the review is:
1) To review the progress to date and the effectiveness of the project and to what extent the purpose of the project is being/has been achieved
2) Assessing the projects impact on the rights holders
3) Assessing how the other funded projects (CHF) NCA are implementing in Nuba Mountains is supporting the Goal and the Overall Objectives of the MFA funded project.

Literature survey, consultations with senior management at NCA, field visits and consultation meetings with NCA partners, i.e. NRRDO, UNICEF, SRRC/HAC and local government officials, interviews and questionnaires, data analysis.

Key Findings:
The goal and objectives of the project are very noble but are not easy to achieve given the capacity and resources at the disposal of NCA, especially given the prevailing political environment. There is no budget allocation or activities targeting the “Duty bearers” to strengthen their capacity to deliver basic social services.

-During the evaluation field mission, the most frequent requests put across to the evaluation team were for further support for the services provided. It recommends that NCA continues to apply for funds from CHF, to supplement the support from MFA.
-NCA should explore faster means of disbursing CHF funds.
-NCA should consider undertaking some capacity building initiatives for its implementing partners.