Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus - Development and Social Services Commission

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Mr. Gadissa Bultosa, Team Leader, Socio-Economist, M & E Expert, Miss Hiwot Workneh, Gender Expert, Dr. Emana Getu, Environmentalist, Pest Control and Management Expert
Bestilt av:Norwegian Mission Society (NMS)
Antall sider:0

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The Western Ethiopia Integrated Environment and Food Security Development Programme (WEIEFSDP) was initiated in Ethiopia in September 2009. The programme has been approved by BN (Bistandsnemnda/Norwegian Missions in Development) for five years period between 2009 and 2013, and will be terminated at the end of 2013. The WEIEFSDP includes one Programme Coordinating Unit (PCU) and four former Integrated Rural Development Projects (IRDPs), namely,
1. Nonno Integrated Rural Development Project (NIRDP) under Central Gibe Synod DASSC;
2. Bikilal Integrated Food Security and Environmental Rehabilitation Development Project (BIFSERDP) under Ghimbi-Jorgo Synod DASSC;
3. Bodji Integrated Environmental and Food Security Project (BIEFDP) under Western Synod; DASSC and
4. Beghi-Gidami Integrated Rural Development Project (BGIRDP) under Beghi-Gidami Synod DASSC.

The overall goal of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to food and nutritional insecurity of rural households in six targeted woredas in West Wollega, Kellem Wollega and Jima Zones of the Oromia National Regional State.

The purpose of the MTR of the WEIEFSDP is to assess the present status of implementation of the programme planned activities, and to carry out analysis of the present situation as well as to determine how the programme should realistically move forward to achieve its goal.

Specifically, the review is intended to:
• Identify the EECMY-DASSCs capacity to be the local partner to run integrated programmes like WEIEFSDP and develop good exit strategy, which assure the sustainability of the outcomes;
• Identify the results, successes and limitations of the programme according to the indicators set out in the programme and project documents;
• Evaluate the programme relevance in the programme areas;
• Evaluate the process of compiling a programme out of four different projects and to identify the appropriate way of organizing the programme as an efficient unit; and
• Draw lessons and come up with recommendations for the future implementation of similar programmes.

Participatory learning approach was used to gather data/ information for the MTR. The review team undertook desk review of relevant documents, held series of discussions with key actors, and conducted focus group discussions (FGDs), key-informants interviews and site observations during the field visit.

1.1.1 Desk review of documents
1.1.2 Meetings with key actors
1.1.3 Focus Group Discussions and Key-informants Interviews
1.1.4 Expert observations

Key findings:
The programme has played a significant role in reducing people’s vulnerability by promoting sustainable agriculture production and productivity; introducing proper natural resources management practices; by encouraging saving and providing revolving fund to diversify income sources; by involving women in gender responsive livelihood enhancement activities. The programme has also contributed to better health through the improvement of the food situation and access to safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene; and through training meant to enhance awareness on reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS prevention and control.

The beneficiary communities, government line departments, and church units have judged and very much appreciated the approach and strategies of the programme as participatory and innovative, and effective in terms of meeting the felt needs of the target communities. In sum, the review team found that all the components were executed per the work plan of the projects under the programme. A number of activities that have direct benefit to both women and men have been implemented. The interventions can also be regarded as a best bet for climate change mitigation particularly in areas where natural resource degradation is inevitable due to termite problem, deforestation, and soil erosion on steepy slope topography of Western Ethiopia.

Based on its all rounded assessment of the WEIEFSDP to date, the review team recommends the continuation of the programme for the rest of its life period and beyond.

Comments from the organisation, if any: