Evaluación Final Nuevo Pachacutec un Lugar Digno para Vivir

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Januar 2013
Utført av:Maria Julia Reyes Asseo
Bestilt av:Strømmestiftelsen
Tema:Utdanning og forskning, Sosiale tjenester, Demokrati
Antall sider:91

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Project Description and Background to Evaluation

The "New Pachacutec: A dignified place to live" project was implemented by Tierra de Niños  NGO TDN between 2007 and 2012. Its target population was children, young people and other social actors such as managers and local authorities, teachers’ networks, organized women, etc. The conceptual thinking of this proposal includes participatory approach, multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach, and it is implemented in the following areas: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, entrepreneurial Schools, health in school and community (healthy schools, healthy families and homes), good governance and citizenship (capacity building, leadership and strengthening of  infant-youth organizations).


The final evaluation will measure the level of achievement of the indicators related to intermediate impact / Effectiveness (Focused on the overall objective function or purpose); effectiveness (linked to results); cost effectiveness and sustainability.


The evaluation combined quantitative and qualitative approach, using research methods that combine both aspects too. Documentary information and assessment tools, provided by TdN, as well as information shared by the stakeholders during the research process (checklists, written test, focus groups and interviews made by the assessment team).

Key findings

  • Kindergarten children have developed skills such as autonomy, communication and relationships as well as level of thinking. In the elementary level it was achieved more than the 70% established in the indicator. Finally, in the secondary level the students have developed skills such as autonomy, identity, creativity and participation in their learning processes at the end of the project.

  • Children of primary school have not achieved an optimum level in basic mathematic operations. It is reflected in the 28.3% of children, who achieved a satisfactory level compared to the 70% defined in the indicator. It is also important to note that the average grade in mathematics was 11.2. This numerical rating catalogs the achievement level of the students at the primary level as the category of "in process."

  • Children of primary education have not achieved the expected levels in reading, writing and understanding because the level of achievement was 39.5% and 70% as it was defined in the indicator. It is also important to note that the average grade in the communication area was 14.06.

  • The results obtained with regards to the pertinent use of education methodologies by primary school teachers, reflect that it is necessary to improve specific actions for a proper management and use of the methodology in order to revert these results into favorable ones. Although the methodological proposal of ONG TDN has led to a change of attitude and awareness in the teachers with regards to their pedagogical practice, it is necessary to continue optimizing these processes.

  • About the entrepreneurship workshops, the materials and equipment provided by the NGO TDN are relevant to the learning processes of students specifically on issues related to economic initiative in the academic area of Education to Work. However, the environments where such materials and equipment are located are not adequate due to the size. In addition, there is a risk that at some point the production is limited or stopped, because the workshops and equipment are not maintained. Another factor that may threaten the continuation of the production is that people involve in the productive projects lack knowledge to run this kind of work.

  • 88% of secondary school children have high knowledge of business plans and production projects at the end of the project. In addition the students have developed entrepreneurial and leadership skills, as well as technical skills in production.

  • Women and their families have good hygiene, food and safe water consumption. However the goal of 80% of empowered families in matters related to the above practices was not achieved. In addition, it was achieved that 98% of the families have good practices on issues related to healthy nutrition.

  • Women and their families organize and distribute their home environments prioritizing a child's space. The quantitative results report that it was not achieved the expected 80% of the families. There were only 68% of empowered families in matters related to the importance of a child's space in the house. More than 80% (planned goal) of women and their families develop assertive communication among its family members.

  • In component of good governance, it was achieved public participation of students from Schools 5128 and 5130. 80% of children have developed skills to promote citizenship actions in the school and at local level.  This percentage exceeded the proposed indicator of 70% , because children have opportunities for participation in spaces such as the classroom, student governments and CODINNA.

  • There is no evidence showing that leaders have developed skills on promotion of actions towards children in the community. In other words there were no projects or proposals in favor of the childhood during the project period. One possible cause could have been the absence of leaders in the training activities organized by TDN, where the topic was project design for children and education.

  • The strategic partnerships with Ventanilla Municipality, UGELs (Local Education Authority) and  DIRESA (Regional Direction of Health) facilitated the continuation of the activities of the project components, which were also considered part of the proposals of these partner institutions. It contributes to the sustainability of the actions.


  • At the primary school level, students with poorly developed skills such as creativity and participation in school processes must be identified. So activities that enhance the skills mentioned above should be worked with them.

  • To undertake workshops to strengthen students in the areas, where they have  more difficulties. For instance mathematics.

  • Implement an evaluation system with performance testing on the kindergarten level in areas such as communication and mathematics, where results are more direct but according to the level and the own child characteristics. It should be remembered that according to Piaget "within the framework of intelligence development and mental evolution process children from 3 to 5 years old are located in the preoperative stage. It means that they will not develop writing, production texts and basic mathematical operations in all the dimensions".

  • To involve students of the three educational levels on projects. Similar to the experience of secondary school students, who participated in the entrepreneurial schools, kindergarten and primary school students could undertake activities that contribute to reduce the environmental pollution and improve the landscape of the community by creating and maintaining green areas in the school and community.

  • To provide guidance and awareness among teachers, students and parents on issues related to care and maintenance of materials and equipment located in the schools and which contribute to improving student learning. Because if the lack of this information persists the equipment located in the entrepreneurial workshops will be destroyed.

  • To create workshops, which involve teens to identify their skills and abilities and thus empower them, since they are the most vulnerable group in the community.  They are vulnerable towards negative situations that could damage their personal integrity and make them become threats for the society.

  • To continue with training workshops for families on issues such as health. Likewise to visit randomly those families, who were in the program in previous years, in order to ratify the change. Also to expand the program to adolescents and elderly people with topics according to their life stage.