Ethiopia Filtu Water & Santitation Project (FWSP) Terminial Evaluation Report 2013

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2013
Utført av:Evaluation team from Filtu woreda and Liben Zone; Mustefa Abidi (Liben Zone DPPC coordination office head), Bishare Daghow (Filtu woreda Agriculture office Expert) and Bashire Abid (Filtu woreda water office Head)
Bestilt av:Norwegian Lutheran Mission
Tema:Vann og sanitær
Antall sider:0

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The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Development and Social Services Commission and Norwegian Lutheran Mission in partnership have been implementing Filtu Water and Sanitation Project (FWSP) in Filtu woreda of Somali Regional State since 2002 in three phases (2002-2005, 2006-2008 and 2009-2011). The year 2012 and 2013 were bridging period in order to ensure good ground work the Food Security Project and ensure sustainability of the water project part. Water insecurity, poor hygienic and sanitation situation due to unavailability of facilities such as health posts were among the problems identified to be addressed by the project. The shortage of water is aggravated by recurrent droughts that has dwindled the already scare water sources and negatively impacting on the livelihood of the people. The project was challenged by the local authorities to focus on Food Security while the government works on water issues. The project started its Food Security Project in 2014 – which runs through to 2016.

The purpose of this evaluation is to evaluate the last one year (2013) performances of the project, document the output and outcomes, lesson learnt, challenges encountered during the implementation and generally the contribution of the project to community. This monitoring evaluation conducted by a joint technical team from Liban Zonal DPPB/NGO’S coordinator, Filtu Woreda agriculture office and Filtu water office to monitor or evaluate water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) project impact in Filtu woreda of Liban zone of Ethiopian Somali Regional state by using document review, focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant interview according to the standard checklists.

The evaluation team used different methodologies to gather information. The methods pursued were - project document review, 2012 assessment report reviews, interview with beneficiaries, field visit to see sample project activities, discussion with stake holders.

Key findings:
After careful compilation and analysis of the data, the monitoring team has found the organization’s achievement in addressing disaster affected communities living in Filtu woreda of Liban zone. Hence most of the project activities were found particularly wash components.  Also regarding project intervention area there was positive impact that can be justified as observed by the team.
• The newly constructed birka at hassen gabey and rehabilitated birka at Gegaad community is giving the intended service to the community
• The agriculture pilot project in messajid, bandhire and hayadimitu peasant associations were successful; in the establishment of new nursery and demonstration site at messajid, the distribution of improved seed to agro-pastoral, water pump, vegetable seeds and adaptability trials of different seeds from research center were done in good manner.
• Health and hygiene/sanitation training, water management committee training, water pump operators and maintenance training has contributed to the community in increasing the basic knowledge. 
• The project has done good job in mobilizing the community to own the projects output to make the project sustainable.
• The projects strategy and implemented activities are in accordance to the government WASH and Food security policy and strategy.

EEMYDASSC expected to implement more activities in the area than targeting very few community members which does not match the higher need in the community, hence the project has to improve more and commit itself to address more beneficiaries,
• Pilot agricultural activities are doing very well with fruit tree.  And the distribution of seed should be continuing through established cooperatives for sustainable use of seed in the target area.
• Strengthening the existing nursery site to produce various types of fruit and forest trees seedlings are very important since these trees are good acceptance from the community and focuses on the long term food security issues.  
• The team almost visited all the mentioned/ activities area without any challenges but as observed the water of the opened birka can cause disease and need urgent roofing.
• The organization should continue the WASH project for the drought affected community living in Filtu woreda and to convince the back donor that the major problem within the society is lack of water and to increase water reservoirs in order to minimize the scarcity of water in Filtu along with agricultural component.
• The organization should closely work with the line departments and other concern government bodies.
• The regional team should obey this monitoring report done by the zonal and District line department to avoid overlap monitoring.
• Again the toilets mentioned at the visited PAs seem they are in poor condition and needs to be completed.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
The project has now entered into a 4th phase with primary target of ensuring Food Security and completing and handing over the previously built water schemes. During the bridging period in 2012 and based on the terminal evaluation team recommendations, the project was advised to put more focus on working towards Food Security and the 4th phase is now titled: Filtu Food Security Project FFSP (2014-2016). However, it appeared now that the new evaluation team during the end of 2013 have commented as above that the project should refocus on addressing water shortages. The mismatch between previous evaluation team recommendations and the recent one was mainly due to staff turnover and this hall be discussed further with the District Water Office and other stakeholder and find common possible way forward.