Evaluación final Proyecto Desarrollo de capacidades de niños y niñas de la zona Z de Huaycán

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2015
Utført av:Mg. Mauricio Zeballos Velarde
Bestilt av:Strømmestiftelsen
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:44

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Project Description and Background to Evaluation

This is a multi-faced project focused on strengthening children’s language and mathematic skills, as well as their life skills and sense of community identify. The project also worked with parents to improve their parenting and technical skills. In the final two years, the project also focused on transferring the methodology to schools in Huaycán and empowering community leaders.


The objective of the evaluation was to measure results achieved, compared to the goals and targets set. Another key objective was to analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategies that were implemented, and the processes generated for the sustainability of the intervention. The purpose was to facilitate learning, training and institutional growth.


The evaluation consisted of a desk review, test, questionnaires and interviews. Interviews were conducted with a range of actors, including community leaders, teachers and government officials. The achievements of those in the project were compared to those not in the project.

Key findings and recommendations

Students in the project have increased their mathematic and logical skills as well their language skills, compared to the baseline. In the first three years of school, the improvements are in line with the control group. However, in the final years of primary school the children’s learning levels are higher than their peers in similar schools.

The evaluation also finds that children have improve their interpersonal communication, self-esteem and sense of identity.

The evaluation finds that the project was appreciated by children, teachers and mother and – to a lesser extent – fathers. There is broad-based desire to continue to project. However, it is not clear that the project will be sustainable if the project ends.

The evaluation therefore recommends that the project continues to further develop and establish clear guidelines and to further increase local government involvement.

The evaluation recommends that in addition to production workshops, parents be helped to form production groups with the purpose of gaining access to markets.