Programme evaluation: Education and training on the rights of indigenous youth in Bolivia

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:August 2016
Utført av:Ananda S. Millard, (Team Leader), Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Ivan Lima, Vania Martinez
Bestilt av:SAIH
Tema:Utdanning og forskning, Demokrati, Kvinner og likestilling
Antall sider:66

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SAIH has been working in Bolivia since the early 90ies. The present programme period runs from 2013 to 2017. After 3 years of the five-year programme period, an evaluation was commissioned to provide input for the last part of the programme, and for the future.


a) Observe the achievements of the programme: See if they have created the expected results, and if the programme meets the requirements of SAIH’s strategy of solidarity. b) Learn from the work done: See if the working models used are relevant, which working models are best when, and which should continue to be used in the future.
c) Decide the way forward: See the type of actions/activities for a new programme period from 2018. Explore opportunities for synergy among Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Colombia.


A participatory and inclusive methodology was used throughout the evaluation process, including review of documents, key informant interviews, interviews with experts and focus groups and group interviews.

Key findings

The report includes analysis for each institution in separate sections and also general observations for SAIH. These include:

  • The organizations funded meet the strategic objectives of SAIH, principally as concerns work with indigenous populations.
  • Sustainability is generally good, with the exception of CEFOS EIB Escoma and ITEI.  Neither organization will be funded by SAIH in the future (decided before the evaluation).
  • All organizations met almost all or all their contractual obligations and have a positive impact in their areas of work.
  • The majority of recommendations made in previous evaluations have been met.
  • All organizations that will continue being funded by SAIH work in areas that no other organization works in. The only exception is CEADL.
  • There are many opportunities for synergies between the different organizations. This could enable organizations to improve their work, expand their coverage and have a greater impact.


The report includes recommendations for each institution in separate sections and also general recommendations for SAIH. These include:

  • Impact maximising and coverage are two areas that require attention.
  • Explore the synergies between the organizations.

Comments from the organisation

The evaluation is considered by SAIH and the partners as relevant, and is followed up in a dialogue between the parties.