Challenges in pro poor service delivery

On the occasion of dr Shantayanan Devarajan’s visit to Norway (co-author av World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People), Norad has the pleasure of taking the opportunity to arrange a mini seminar on 9th March 9 - 11.30 a.m.

What are World Bank lessons after the report? How has it changed its approach - and what are the most crucial service delivery challenges to donors today?

The Report, and its follow up, will be presented by dr Devarajan. The focus is on service delivery, with cases from both health and other sectors. We take this opportunity to invite actors from development institutions and organizations as well as those who are occupied with humanitarian issues. NGOs receiving Norad support are invited to present views and issues on their service delivery endeavours.

As is known from the mentioned report, accountability and the issues of transparency and good governance are strongly focused on. In the case of health and other sectors, failures to provide services equitably and fair are not uncommon. Why, and what promising practices can we point at?

Venue: Norad's Infocenter, Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo (6th floor).


0900-0920 Opening address - by Norad's Director, Mr Poul Engberg-Pedersen

0920-1010 Making Services Work for Poor People. Shantayanan Devarajan, co-author of World Development Report 2004. Presentation of the report, and of its follow up by the World Bank: dilemmas, and new strategies?

1010-1030 Break, with fruits, coffee and tea.

1030-1130 Discussion: Lessons learnt and promising practices
Participants and speakers from Norwegian actors (10 minutes each)
- NGOs in service delivery; accountability and possible transparency dilemmas
- Service delivery issues in bilateral, state to state development cooperation

1130 Wrap up

Påmelding: Pr epost til: - tlf. 22 24 05 39.
Oppgi navn, institusjon/organisasjon/tittel.
Frist: Tirsdag 7. mars kl. 1500.

Forespørsler: Seniorrådgiver Bjarne Garden - tlf 22 24 05 28.