Realising Potential: Evaluation of Norway’s Support to Education in Conflict and Crisis through Civil Society Organisations

About the publication

Published:November 2017
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Area:Somalia, Sør-Sudan, Jordan, Libanon
Theme:Utdanning og forskning, Konflikt, fred og sikkerhet, Sivilt samfunn
Number of pages:71
Serial number:9/2017

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The evaluation has assessed Norwegian support to education in crisis and conflict through civil society organisations in the period 2008-2016.

The evaluation drew on evidence from multiple streams, including interviews with stakeholders from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad plus key Oslo-based CSOs; systematic review of a sample of projects; a telephone survey of CSO representatives; desk study of two sample countries (Somalia and South Sudan); and field study in two others (Lebanon and Jordan).

Detailed mapping of Norwegian support to EiCC through CSOs was also conducted.

The purpose of this evaluation has been to document results of Norwegian aid to education in crisis and conflict situations through civil society organisations, and factors contributing to attainment or non-attainment of results. It is intended to be used to improve future Norwegian civil society support to education in situations of crisis and conflict.

The evaluation was carried out by The KonTerra Group on behalf of the Evaluation Department in Norad.