
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Tanzania Country Report

Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Tanzania Country Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109757 42 This report on country ... level support modalities to civil society is one of a total of six similar studies conducted in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The findings were later elaborated and merged


Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Zambia Country Report

Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Zambia Country Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109758 36 This report on country ... level support modalities to civil society is one of a total of six similar studies conducted in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The findings were later elaborated and merged


God effekt av norsk oljebistand

norsk bistand til fattige lands petroleumsvirksomhet. Evalueringen tar for seg fire land, Angola, Bangladesh, Mosambik og Øst-Timor, som samlet har mottatt mer enn 60 prosent av støtten. Resultatet viser ... hjelp i lang tid framover, heter det i rapporten fra evalueringen. Mindre vellykket i Bangladesh og Angola I Bangladesh har den norske bistanden hatt liten virkning, og ikke ført til varig styrking av landets


Flergiverevaluering om helse og rettigheter

evaluering-om-helse-og-rettigheter Det foreligger en synteserapport og seks landrapporter fra Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Nicaragua, Tanzania og Vietnam. Norge deltok i evalueringen Norge har, sammen ... evalueringene Synthesis Report (pdf-format) Last ned landrapportene her (alle er i pdf-format): Bangladesh Country Evaluation Report Burkina Faso Country Evaluation Report Egypt Country Evaluation Report


Evaluation of the Norad Fellowship Programme

Evaluation of the Norad Fellowship Programme /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109531 159 Since the Norad Fellowship Programme (NFP) was established 40 years ago it has provided fellowships ... assessments of questionnaires from key stakeholders, interviews, meetings and field visits to Bangladesh, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa. 82-7548-157-0 Nordic Consulting Group in association with


Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Sri Lanka Case Study

Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Sri Lanka Case Study /forsiden/evaluation-of-norwegian-business-related-assistance-sri-lanka-case-study 128 Preface This is the first country ... Lanka there will be similar reports from case studies of Norwegian business-related support to Bangladesh, South Africa and Uganda. The main report from the evaluation, carried out by the Swedish consultancy


Evalauation Report on Santal Development Project (SDP)

/no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117492 Background The Santal communities living in the Bangladesh are one of the most disadvantaged, vulnerable and socio-economically poor and are the victims of ... threats, evictions and killings have marginalized them to such an extent that there existence in Bangladesh is currently at stake. They do not have access to decision-making bodies and don't get justice


Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Ethiopia Country Report

Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Ethiopia Country Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109755 40 This report on country ... level support modalities to civil society is one of a total of six similar studies conducted in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The findings were later elaborated and merged


External End of Project Evaluation. Capacity Building for Stronger Communities

two sites in Bangladesh, each with its own history and components. The two programmes are: Community Health and Development Project (CHDP) in six villages in Dumuria, rural southwest Bangladesh: works directly ... assess the project’s impact and sustainability in Mirpur Section 11, Dhaka and Dumuria Upazila, Bangladesh and the relevance of a next phase of the project.” The objectives of the evaluation are: Assess