
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Literature review on civil societys roles in reducing tropical forest loss

Literature review on civil society's roles in reducing tropical forest loss 29 Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) aims at reducing and reversing loss of tropical forest ... is to serve as a basis for upcoming evaluations of the Norwegian engagement. The literature review was carried out by Cicero on behalf of the Department for Evaluation in Norad. 978-82-8369-093-4 Cicero


Tax in Development: Towards a Strategic Aid Approach

37 Raising a higher share of the value added in an economy for the public purpose is associated with state building, modern economic growth and development. From 2002-3 to date, low- and ... sub-Saharan Africa. Links are provided to the Norwegian partner country categorisation to illustrate the correlation between these two types of country ranking/prioritisation. Finally, other factors relating to


Midterm Review on the Community Development Project in the Tam Giang Lagoon

appropriate enforcement of resource management policies. Purpose/Objective: The purpose of the evaluation was to examine the achievements so far, weaknesses and strengths, appropriateness and effectiveness ... Quang Nam, Phung Tieu Yen and Mai Van Tai Norwegian Church Aid Vietnam Country Office (KN) Norwegian Church Aid Vietnam Country Office (KN) Norwegian Church Aid (KN) Boards of Management; Hue University


The Socio-cultural Dimension in Norwegian Development Assistance in Africa

The Socio-cultural Dimension in Norwegian Development Assistance in Africa /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=166819 60 One basic argument in this report is that the design and management ... analysis may be applied to issues in many sectors; to all stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation; and over a wide range of development objectives. Centre for Development Studies - University


Review of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Projects in Eritrea 5-14 March 2007

2007 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117508 Background This is not a fully fledged evaluation, but more a review as the NCA project had not yet started at the time of the review, and the project ... beginning of the 1990ies supported Norwegian Church Aid's work to combat FGM/C in Eritrea. As the evaluation report of NCA's pilot project on FGM/C , undertaken in 2005, was positive, it was decided to continue


Evaluering av resultater av bistand til kvinners rettigheter og likestilling

Er det på tide å gjøre noen valg i norsk likestillingsbistand? Ny evalueringsrapport om resultatoppnåelse innenfor likestilling og kvinners rettigheter lanseres. Norad Ruseløkkveien 26, 0251 Oslo Registrering i 6. etasje Ruseløkkveien 26, 0251 Oslo Evalueringsrapporten viser at resultatene av norsk bistand til kvinners rettigheter og likestilling svinger fra svært


Behov for bedre læring i fokusland

Nytt rapportkonsept fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. I dag publiseres landrapporter om Sør-Sudan, Afghanistan og Mosambik. Landrapporter for Sør-Sudan, Afghanistan og Mosambik først ... samtidig ut en oversikt med lenker til de underliggende evalueringsrapportene. Korte sammendrag, Evaluation Portraits, blir også tilgjengelig for hver enkelt rapport. Hensikten er å presentere eksisterende


Cooperation Program between the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions and the State Enterprises Workers

Report of the Evaluation on the 2010-2014 Cooperation Program between the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway) and the State Enterprises Workers’ Relations Confederation (SERC-THAILAND ... (SERC-THAILAND 34 Title of the evaluation report: Report of the Evaluation on the 2010-2014 Cooperation Programme between the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway) and the State Enterprises Workers’


Norwegian Aid and Triangular South-South Cooperation - Mapping, analysis and implications for Norwegian knowledge transfer

.......................................................................... 13 Monitoring and evaluation: The challenge of capturing and sustaining results ............................... 14 Anti-corruption ... of south-south cooperation projects are likely to sustain after projects are completed. 4) In brief, discuss how anti-corruption and good governance can be implemented in south-south cooperation programmes


Mid-term Review of Strategic Partnership to support local CSOs working on Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance, Royal Norwegian Embassy and NCA

deal are multifaceted, in some instances not related to each other, and lack consistency. • The evaluation team has observed that women participation in programs has been sound. Not only gender but age ... its role in building the capacity of partners, NCA should encourage partners to undergo external evaluation exercise on their program intervention periodically and regularly Comments from Norwegian Church