
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Resultatrapport 2009 Bistand og økonomisk utvikling: Ringer i vannet eller dråper i havet?

Resultatrapport 2009 Bistand og økonomisk utvikling: Ringer i vannet eller dråper i havet? /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=147185 80 Bistand og økonomisk utvikling: Ringer ... oppgir at bedriftene til sammen betalte 3,2 milliarder kroner i skatt i 2008. Grameen Phone i Bangladesh betalte alene over 2,2 milliarder norske kroner i selskaps- skatt, lisenser og avgifter. Tallene


Navigating Complexity. A Review of Training for Peace in Africa

Navigating Complexity. A Review of Training for Peace in Africa /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=198782 70 The Project Training for Peace in Africa (TfP) has, since its start in 1995, ... becoming increasingly important players in the field. India (together with neighbouring Pakistan and Bangladesh) is a major troop-contributing country to peace operations in Africa. There are consultations


Annual report - Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD)

Annual report - Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109800 143 TFESSD is a multi-donor trust fund supported by ... of a particulate matter plan for China. 32. TF090974 Lead Pollution Abatement in India and Bangladesh (FY08), $167,000: The objective of this activity is to pioneer a new independent lead-acid battery


NEPAL – NORWAY 60 Years of Energy Cooperation

NEPAL – NORWAY 60 Years of Energy Cooperation 64 In 1960 less than one percent of Nepal’s population had access to electricity. As of 2023, 60 years later, the World Bank reports that nearly 95 percent ... Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) works in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy


An ocean of opportunities Norway’s Fish for Development programme

Rapport om erfaringene fra fiskeri- og oppdrettsprosjekter i hele verden, mellom 2012 og 2017. Rapport om erfaringene fra fiskeri- og oppdrettsprosjekter i hele verden, mellom 2012 og 2017. #fishfordevelopment ... Colombia 1,3 1,3 Nepal 0,8 0,3 -0,3 0,7 Cambodia 0,5 0,5 Serbia 0,4 0,1 0,5 Cape Verde 0,4 0,4 Bangladesh 0,3 0,3 Nicaragua 0,3 0,3 Tanzania 0,1 0,1 Total country-specific development cooperation


Norwegian Refugee Council Review and appraisal 1) “Strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms through Emergency Education Support to Northern Districts of Kitgum and Pader” 2) “Education for Protection and Recovery

Norwegian Refugee Council Review and appraisal 1) “Strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms through Emergency Education Support to Northern Districts of Kitgum and Pader” 2) “Education for Protection ... . 39     4   Acronyms    AVSI  Association of Volunteers in International Service BRAC  Bangladesh  Rural Advancement Committee  CAP   Consolidate Appeal Programme  CHA  Cessation of Hostilities Agreement 


Results Report 2009: Aid and economic development: Ripples in the water or a drop in the ocean?

Results Report 2009: Aid and economic development: Ripples in the water or a drop in the ocean? /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=159028 84 Aid and economic development – ripples in the ... Norfund states that the companies paid a total of NOK 3.2 billion in tax in 2008. Grameen Phone in Bangladesh alone paid more than NOK 2.2 billion in company tax, licenses and charges. These figures are


Avdeling for evaluering årsrapport 2022 - 2024: Veien videre

Avdeling for evaluering årsrapport 2022 - 2024: Veien videre Les også 37 Etter tiår med framgang på fleire viktige område, ser vi no ei verd prega av globale kriser knytt ... of Norwegian Business-Related Assistance S/ 4.10-6.10 Case Study South Africa S/ 5.10 Case Study Bangladesh S/ 6.10 Case Study Uganda 2009 E/ 3.09 Evaluation of Business-Related Assistance to Sri Lanka


Bistand og globale investeringer: Neste steg for utviklingssamarbeidet?

Norad til orde for å etablere et klarere skille mellom den mer tradisjonelle bistanden og investeringer i det vi kaller “globale fellesgoder”. Bistand og globale investeringer: Neste steg for utviklingssamarbeidet? ... Utslippsreduksjoner eller forskning på covid-19 er utvilsomt positivt for Malawi, Madagaskar og Bangladesh. Men den direkte effekten på landenes økonomiske utvikling vil være svakere og tregere enn


Oil for Development - Annual report 2015

The Oil for Development (OfD) Programme represents an important contribution to Norwegian development cooperation. Oil for Development - Annual report 2015 Les mer Temasider / Thematic pages See key ... 100 0 0 0 0 33 800 Angola 2 984 11 162 7 888 13 548 15 635 9 100 2 332 6 556 9 988 8 637 87 830 Bangladesh 3 045 3 045 10 210 8 783 3 000 0 0 0 0 0 28 083 Bolivia 353 1 401 2 805 5 976 8 696 12 800 15