
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Review of Norwegian democracy support via political parties

................................................. 28 2.2.1 Norwegian parties‟ knowledge of the country contexts ............................ 29 2.2.2 Capability to strengthen competence within partner ... internationally ............................................................................ 39 3.3.1 A brief overview of the current academic and professional debate ......... 40 3.3.2 The Netherlands - NIMD


Mid-term Review of Strategic Partnership to support local CSOs working on Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance, Royal Norwegian Embassy and NCA

deal are multifaceted, in some instances not related to each other, and lack consistency. • The evaluation team has observed that women participation in programs has been sound. Not only gender but age ... its role in building the capacity of partners, NCA should encourage partners to undergo external evaluation exercise on their program intervention periodically and regularly Comments from Norwegian Church


Varierende resultater i norsk likestillingsbistand

Varierende resultater i norsk likestillingsbistand Norge bidrar til å sette kvinners rettigheter og likestilling på den internasjonale agendaen, men overvurderer både eget bidrag og kapasitet, viser ny evaluering.  Evalueringen av norsk støtte til likestilling består også av flere landstudier, deriblant fra Mosambik. I 2014 gikk  Evaluering: Varierende resultater


Promoting farmers’ rights through strengthening community plant genetic resources conservation, development and use (CPGR CDU) in south and central Mindanao

Evaluation of the project “Promoting farmers’ rights through strengthening community plant genetic resources conservation, development and use (CPGR CDU) in south and central Mindanao” /no/resultater ... project of SEARICE as a part of its program in the island. Purpose/objective The purpose of the evaluation was to basically review the progress of the work undertaken in promoting farmer's rights through


Organisational Review of the Development Cooperation by the Union of Education Norway

Organisational Review of the Development Cooperation by the Union of Education Norway /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=125149 76 Introduction This report presents the outcome of an ... the organisation and management systems applied by UEN in implementing its support to developing country partners, not on effectiveness, outcomes and impact of the support provided by UEN. The main focus


COP17 Inter-Faith Activities

before and during COP 17. The objectives of the inter-faith campaign as articulated during the evaluation were defined as the following: • Strengthen the inter-religious network through mobilising among ... environmental issues and work on a particular campaign. Purpose/ Objective: The objectives of the evaluation are as follows: 1. Assess the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of service of the following