
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Mid-term review of the Save the Children in Ethiopia’s strategic partnership with Norwegian Embassy on combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Partnership were proceeding according to plans and desired outcomes. The issues to be covered by the evaluation include: to assess the approaches chosen, the involvement of stakeholders, the selection of change ... networking. Furthermore the objective of the evaluation was to get recommendations on improvements required for future programming. Methodology The evaluation team has used different methodologies that include


Organisational Review of The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)

Organisational Review of The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=135705 28 Introduction This study is an organisational ... study is going close-up in case studies of some specific MIC partnerships. Malawi was chosen as case country because of its high number of partnerships, two well-established and one fresh. Malawi's system of


Guide for institutional cooperation (Norad 2001)

between government agencies 2.2.2 NORAD 2.2.3 Agreement partner 2.2.4 Institution in the partner country 2.2.5 Norwegian institution 2.2.6 Approval of the contract 2.2.7 Other aspects of the relationship ... centres in cooperation initiatives with institutions in the South. This guide is a follow-up to Evaluation Reports nos 1–5 (1998) on institutional development in Norwegian bilateral development cooperation


Norsk bistand til utdanning i krise og konflikt oppnår mye

Norsk bistand til utdanning i krise og konflikt oppnår mye Gode resultater, men behov for bedre samordning, klarere prioriteringer og bedre oppsummering av erfaringene, viser ... utdanning i krise og konflikt gjennom frivillige organisasjoner. Les evalueringen: Realising Potential: Evaluation of Norway’s Support to Education in Conflict and Crisis through Civil Society Organisations Utdanning


The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Cooperation on Poverty Reduction

Evaluation Report 4/2001 The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Cooperation on Poverty Reduction Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Af fairs Information from the Royal Norwegian Ministry ... Responsibility for the contents and presentation of findings and recommendations rests with the evaluation team. The views and opinions expressed in the report do not necessarily correspond with the views


God kommunikasjon er livsnødvendig under pandemier

God kommunikasjon er livsnødvendig under pandemier Nettopp hvordan råd formidles til befolkningen under kriser kan ha stor betydning for hvorvidt rådene følges, viser tidligere evalueringer. Denne kunnskapen er viktig å bygge på under koronapandemien. Evalueringsavdelingen i Norad og Folkehelseinstituttet samarbeider om å videreformidle kunnskap fra forskning


Promotion of Awareness and Civil Society Support for Freedom of Expression in Southern Sudan

Promotion of Awareness and Civil Society Support for Freedom of Expression in Southern Sudan /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=410758 Background: The evaluation was conducted in ... /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=410758 Background: The evaluation was conducted in August/September 2013, as an end-of-project evaluation. The project was implemented by a Consortium consisting of