
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Work in Progress: How the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Partners See and Do Engagement with Crisis-Affected Populations

Work in Progress: How the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Partners See and Do Engagement with Crisis-Affected Populations 67 Hvordan inkludere de kriserammede i det humanitære ... as to how to engage, with whom, and when – in planning and design, implementation, reporting and evaluation. There are also questions about the main purpose for engagement, as engagement can be justified


Evalueringsavdelingens årsrapport 2016-2017 Forutsetninger for læring.pdf

kunnskap ved å oppsummere og gjøre den tilgjengelig på en kortfattede måte. Landrapportene (Country Evaluation Briefs) om Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik systematiserte funn fra evalueringer og andre relevante ... UTENRIKSDEPARTEMENTET Evaluering av Norges internasjonale pådrivervirksomhet RAPPORT 5/2016 Evaluation of Norway’s support for advocacy in the development policy arena Eksterne konsulenter: Swedish


Norad's Development Cooperation Manual

activities. Through its aggregated reports it is also the basis for planning and reporting on total, country and sector levels. APS Agreed Programme Summary NORAD signifies, NORAD, Oslo For the sake of simplicity ... minor part of the total funding, is referred to as the Grant. The total Norwegian commitment to a country is referred to as the Development Co-operation Programme. Request signifies a document "authorising"


Mid-term review of Norwegian support to Escola de professores do futuro, Bie province in Angola

Mid-term review of Norwegian support to Escola de professores do futuro, Bie province in Angola /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109789 31 The Project The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign ... urban areas. Another objective is to educate teachers who take part in the reconstruction of the country and prepare them for the future. Interesting Findings The overall assessment is that the results


Ondao Mobile School, A Socio-Economic Impact Study

Ondao Mobile School, A Socio-Economic Impact Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117289 Background The Project was first proposed in a Desk Study by Bernt H. Lund carried out ... to children of nomadic and semi-nomadic Owahimba people similar to children in other parts of the country which have educational facilities geared to their local societies. In the Kunene region the Ministry


Evaluering undervurderer læring i bistanden

Evalueringsavdelingen har sluppet en viktig rapport om bruk av resultatinformasjon, men Norad er uenig i flere av konklusjonene. Evalueringsavdelingens utspill Norad kommenterer evaluering av resultatorientering: Undervurderer læring i bistanden Rapporten Les Norads svar Ifølge en evaluering av resultatorienteringen i norsk bistand bidrar ikke Utenriksdepartementet og Norads mål-


Gender Review Royal Norwegian Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

........................................................................................ 8 2. Country Context – Gender Profile ....................................................................... ... Norway has been a development partner with Tanzania for nearly 50 years, and since the 1970s the country has been one of the largest receivers of Norwegian bilateral aid. This longstanding relationship


Svak samstemt politikk for utvikling

Få mekanismer hindrer at norske interesser overstyrer globale utviklingsmål, viser evaluering av norsk samstemthet for utvikling bestilt av evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. ... mellominntektsland.  Å opprettholde norske sikkerhetsinteresser og å fremme menneskerettigheter. Se rapporten: Evaluation of Norwegian Efforts to Ensure Policy Coherence for Development Uklare mandater Evalueringen viser


Norwegian Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study

Norwegian Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=235914 76 Norad’s Evaluation Department decided in April 2008 to carry out baseline ... Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=235914 76 Norad’s Evaluation Department decided in April 2008 to carry out baseline studies in order to better measure the results