
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Evaluering undervurderer læring i bistanden

Evalueringsavdelingen har sluppet en viktig rapport om bruk av resultatinformasjon, men Norad er uenig i flere av konklusjonene. Evalueringsavdelingens utspill Norad kommenterer evaluering av resultatorientering: Undervurderer læring i bistanden Rapporten Les Norads svar Ifølge en evaluering av resultatorienteringen i norsk bistand bidrar ikke Utenriksdepartementet og Norads mål-


Norwegian Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study

Norwegian Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=235914 76 Norad’s Evaluation Department decided in April 2008 to carry out baseline ... Environmental Action Plan Baseline Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=235914 76 Norad’s Evaluation Department decided in April 2008 to carry out baseline studies in order to better measure the results


Fast Track to Completion – the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary Schools (CREPS) and the Distance Education Program (DEP) in Sierra Leone

Fast Track to Completion – the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary Schools (CREPS) and the Distance Education Program (DEP) in Sierra Leone /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117368 ... Purpose/objective The main purpose of the evaluation is to provide an overall assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness, impact and relevance of the program. The evaluation will be a tool in the ongoing discussions



EVALUATION DEPARTMENT Report 3 / 2021 Annual Quality Assessment of Reviews in Norwegian Development Cooperation (2019–2020) Commissioned by Norad Evaluation Department Carried out by Ternstrom ... interpretations, and conclusions presented in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Evaluation Department. October 2021 2EVALUATION DEPARTMENTAnnual Quality Assessment of Reviews in Norwegian


Mid-Term review of NCAs Integrated Development Programme in Nuba Mountains

Mid-Term review of NCAs Integrated Development Programme in Nuba Mountains /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=387809 Background: Nuba Mountains is classified as one of the least developed ... deliver basic social services. Recommendations: -During the evaluation field mission, the most frequent requests put across to the evaluation team were for further support for the services provided. It


Oil for Development - Annual report 2017

REPORT 2017 THE OIL FOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME / / ANNUAL REPORT 2017 3 Introduction 2017 in brief THE OFD PROGRAMME IS A NORWEGIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION PROGRAMME THAT: > Aims for responsible ... Cuba Somalia Colombia 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 FIGURE 1: DISBURSEMENTS 2017, BY OFD PARTNER COUNTRY (MILLION NOK) THE OIL FOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME The Oil for Development (OfD) programme was initiated


Desk study and desk analysis Civil Society for Accountable Governance 2005-2009

is the reporting format that NCA is utilizing. Lack of uniformity in reporting on CSAG from one country office to another lead to difficulties in mainstreaming the findings into clear-cut categories. On ... on learning – and that NCA is a learning organization. There is a tendency in NCA to consider evaluations and reviews as tools for initiating or ending projects, not for actually drawing lessons from these


Svak samstemt politikk for utvikling

Få mekanismer hindrer at norske interesser overstyrer globale utviklingsmål, viser evaluering av norsk samstemthet for utvikling bestilt av evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. ... mellominntektsland.  Å opprettholde norske sikkerhetsinteresser og å fremme menneskerettigheter. Se rapporten: Evaluation of Norwegian Efforts to Ensure Policy Coherence for Development Uklare mandater Evalueringen viser


Prevention and eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs)

Prevention and eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs) /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=125122 30 The Project Save the Children ... NCA has worked through local partner organizations, mostly located in the southern regions of the country. A three -year contract was signed late 2005 for a total grant of NOK 7.5 million, shared equally