
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Norwegian Support to Strengthening Human Resources for Health - A review of financing mechanisms

Hospital JPIAMR Global Coordination of Antimicrobial Resistance Research LMIC Low and Middle-Income Country MNCH Maternal, Newborn and Child Health NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee NOKUT Norwegian ... investigator can be a non-Norwegian national. Such a requirement may limit the opportunities for country-driven research by low-and middle income countries. • The thematic priority areas concerning health


Organisational Review of the Norwegian Refugee Council

Organisational ... 5 Abbreviations   BSC: Balance Score Card  CAD: Core Activity Database  CD: Country Director  CMI: Christian Michelsen Institute  HQ: Headquarters  ICLA: Information, Counselling a ... approval of NRC’s partnership policy should be given priority and integrated in NRC interventions at country level. 2. Efforts have been made to increase synergy between NRC activities. There is a potential


Tackling Human Resources for Health (HRH) Crisis in Nepal through Informed Policy Decisions and Actions

in Nepal through Informed Policy Decisions and Actions”, and implemented by the Save the Children country office Nepal. The overall objective of the project is “to set the issue of HRH into the wider context ... towards building the knowledge base for all and policy advocacy”. Purpose/objective (including evaluation questions) The main objective of this review is to share learning and challenges among HRH partners


Review and Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Institutional Cooperation and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector in Norwegian Development Cooperation

Review and Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Institutional Cooperation and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector in Norwegian Development Cooperation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109778 ... Several of these institutional cooperation projects and programs have been subject to reviews and evaluations, however, the lessons learned have not been compiled and systematized. As a basis for strengthening


Assessment of Projects Supported by Save the Children Norway in Nepal 2005-2009

with the Ministry of Children, Women and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) have provisioned an independent evaluation involving external experts and representatives from Women, Children and Social Welfare Ministry ... Based on this provision, a final evaluation of the SCNN’s five year programme collaboration (2005-2009) was carried out by SWC in December/January 2008/9. This evaluation was mandatory for extension of programme


Improving Health for Women in the Netrakona Region in Bangladesh

financially supported by ID/DNJ/FOKUS since 2002. Purpose/objective The purpose of the midterm evaluation of the Health Project was to find out if SUS reaches its goals, performs the activities as planned ... group, delivers good quality health care and has worked with the recommendations given at the final evaluation of 2005. In addition, the evaluators looked at the organization and administration of the Health


Mid-term Review of Projects under the Norad Agreement (2016-2019) in Zambia

Observations through use of Checklists and Assessment Tools, Gender and disability inclusion. The evaluation addressed gender and disability issues by disaggregating data by sex and disability status to demonstrate ... project. The Monitoring and Evaluation of the project is fair with room for improvement. Plan has put in motion efforts for community based Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) teams on the projects


Adapting agriculture to climate change_collecting, protecting and preparing crop wild relatives_annexes.pdf

publication1 that provides strategic and methodological standards and guidelines for structuring an evaluation in a manner that is participatory and inclusive. The method takes a learning approach; which is ... Senior Scientist, Crop Trust, Bonn (manager of the CWR Project) • Nelissa Jamora, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Crop Trust, Bonn • Benjamin Kilian, Genetic Resource Scientist, Crop Trust, Bonn (CWR