
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Improving the learning conditions of children from Chota Province

final evaluation took place in July 2003, 6 months after the project ended in December 2002. The evaluation report was completed in January 2004. Purpose/objective The Objective of the evaluation was on ... on monitoring and evaluation and on tools and processes that can be used for self-monitoring and to set the direction for future project work. The objective of the project itself was "To improve teaching


A Discussion Paper on Donor Best Practices Towards NGOs in Nepal

A Discussion Paper on Donor Best Practices Towards NGOs in Nepal /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109656 41 The civil society movement is a relatively new phenomenon in Nepal, developing ... clear right and authority of donors to conduct strict financial monitoring in adherence with the country's laws - Donors need to harmonise further in their financial monitoring standards and procedures


End-Review of Norway’s Support to UNICEF’s Education Programme in Madagascar (2005-2007) and Appraisal of UNICEF’s Proposal for a New Education Programme 2008 – 2011

End-Review of Norway’s Support to UNICEF’s Education Programme in Madagascar (2005-2007) and Appraisal of UNICEF’s Proposal for a New Education Programme 2008 – 2011 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109806 ... and teachers; Monitoring; Parent - School Contracts (Contrat Programme Réussite Scolaire - CPRS); Evaluation of: learning achievements, communication strategy, results-oriented planning, improving the school


Expanding young people’s life opportunities from an intercultural perspective

concentrated its work in Nicaragua on education. Former evaluations have been carried out on a partner and project level. However, in this evaluation, we wanted to look at SAIH’s long-term engagement in the ... the region on a program level, primarily within the area of education. Purpose/objective The evaluation had four objectives: (1) identify and analyse results in terms of impact, specifically at program


End review of the ADPC Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives at National and Regional Level in Asia

Committee JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LUP Land Use Planning M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MET Meteorological Institute (of Norway) MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (of Norway) MHPSS Mental ... Activities supported through the program should continue to promote ownership and be institutionalized at country level. This should include training at the executive and political levels. A possible new phase should