
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Shady Traffic. Review of the Portefolio Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Shady Traffic. Review of the Portefolio Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=134143 69 ... and implemented by the International Organization for Migration. The other data source is recent evaluation reports from the Western Balkans as well as from the African and Asian regions. 978-82-7548-365-0


Filling the gap finally addressing post-TB disabilities in Sub Saharan Africa (Malawi, Tanzania, Sudan)

The project ... and Sudan) Evaluation for LHL International (ref: / 06/22) June 2023 2 Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the excellent collaboration with all the in-country implementation ... for Tanzania (MKUTA), Knut Sundby, project coordinator LHLI for Sudan. At field level, the evaluation was carried out by Emmanuel Kaonga (Malawi), Lillian Mtei (Tanzania) and Muaz Hassan (Sudan).


Cooperation between IPI and Norway: Current and Proposed Framework Agreements

...................................................................... 14 4.5 Monitoring and Evaluation ...................................................................... 16 4.6 Outreach, Dissemination ... than governments, but since they are very recent no outputs are yet available. Monitoring and Evaluation It is clear that IPI has increased its activity levels over the last couple of years, not least


Exporting to Scandinavia : a guide for exporters from developing countries

many linguistic, cultural and his- torical similarities, the social welfare develop- ment in each country makes it relevant to talk about a Scandinavian model of society that is unique at the international ... km2 Climate Four distinct seasons. Four distinct seasons and Four distinct seasons with large Country averages: large local variations: variations between south and north. July: average max. temp: Oslo:


Norsk bistand til utdanning i krise og konflikt oppnår mye

Norsk bistand til utdanning i krise og konflikt oppnår mye Gode resultater, men behov for bedre samordning, klarere prioriteringer og bedre oppsummering av erfaringene, viser ... utdanning i krise og konflikt gjennom frivillige organisasjoner. Les evalueringen: Realising Potential: Evaluation of Norway’s Support to Education in Conflict and Crisis through Civil Society Organisations Utdanning


Democratic Global Civil Governance Report of the 1995 Benchmark Survey of NGOs

Democratic Global Civil ... Evaluation Report 4.96 n . by Benchmark Environmental Consulting t*miå ii tf! SI - I Democratic Civil Governance Report of the 1995 gi Benchmark Survey of NGOs § | s< Qi si ©£ ... 5 Individual demographics: first international conference 6 Organizational demographics: base country 6 Organizational demographics: accredited and unaccredited NGOs 7 Organizational demographics:


Sinkat Community Development Project and Port Sudan Organizational Development Program in Red Sea State in Sudan

contributed to the overall re-establishment of subsistence activities in Sinkat constituency. The evaluation results also indicate a growing sense of self-reliance amongst farmers, pastoralists and women ... agriculture and education to reach more beneficiaries. Comments from the organisation The project evaluation report was thoroughly discussed in Sinkat. A consultant from the Palestine Red Crescent Society