
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Parisagendaen - hvor effektiv er den for likestilling?

menneskerettigheter og sosial inkludering blir ivaretatt i den nye bistandsdagsordenen. Landstudiene omfatter Bangladesh, Bolivia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Uganda og Vietnam. Funnene fra studiene gir grunn til ettertanke ... evidence from implementing the Paris declaration Analytical summary.pdf Additional case studies.pdf Bangladesh country study.pdf Kenya country study.pdf Sierra Leone country study.pdf Uganda country study.pdf


Norway supports civil society organisations in the struggle against modern slavery

Norway supports civil society organisations in the struggle against modern slavery The struggle against modern slavery is a new priority in Norwegian development assistance. Through an entirely new grant scheme, Norad has entered into eight new agreements with civil society organisations that are working to eradicate modern slavery. ‘Slavery is not just something that belongs in the history


WID/Gender Units and the Experience of Gender Mainstreaming in Multilateral Organisations

WID/Gender Units and the Experience of Gender Mainstreaming in Multilateral Organisations /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165304 107 This report documents the history of ... mainstreaming. It then looks at gender mainstreaming aspects at country level, using Uganda, Malawi and Bangladesh as examples. The study’s ultimate aim is to document and evaluate the efficacy of Norwegian funding


Midterm Study Report of SEEDS Programme Bangladesh

SEEDS Programme Bangladesh SADEQUL ISLAM www.norad.no ISBN 978-82-8369-143-6 ISSN 1894-518X Midterm Study Report of SEEDS Programme (2019-203) February 2022 Submitted to: Bangladesh Country Office ... started its operation in 18 Upazilas under 06 districts of Mymensingh and Rangpur divisions of Bangladesh since January 2019. The target beneficiaries are mainly from poor and extreme poor households


Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health : An Evaluation of the IPPF

HIV/AIDS, abortion, advocacy and access. The evaluation focuses on the work of member associations in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Uganda. Interesting Findings • The member associations reach poor and vulnerable ... aspx?id=12667">Helse</a></li><li><a href="/link/6a619b445a554937a96af3f8e5ae4921.aspx?id=12805">Bangladesh</a></li><li><a href="/link/ecf344145add49c3a72f614fb81eee3a.aspx?id=12709">Etiopia</a></li><li><a


The Way Forward: Promoting Womens Political Leadership and Governance in India and South Asia Mid-Term Review

The Way Forward: Promoting Womens Political Leadership and Governance in India and South Asia Mid-Term Review /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=403068 252 The UN Women South Asia Regional ... review is a programme that was established in 2009 to be implemented in India, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. The overarching goals of the programme as originally designed were to empower elected


Norads direktør gratulerer fredsprisvinnerne

Norads direktør gratulerer fredsprisvinnerne - Årets fredspris er en gledelig anerkjennelse av at langsiktig satsing på fattige kvinner skaper utvikling og dermed også fred. Jeg ... erne Norad var blant de første som trodde på konseptet til Grameen Bank og støttet tiltaket i Bangladesh allerede i 1985. Norge støttet Grameen Bank helt til prosjektet var selvgående elleve år senere


Finanskrise og marginalisering tema på høynivåmøte om utdanning

Finanskrise og marginalisering tema på høynivåmøte om utdanning Høynivåmøtet om utdanning 23.-25.februar i Addis Ababa ga fornyede løfter om kvalitetsutdanning ... som i dag faller utenfor skolesystemet. - Det finnes flere gode eksempler - som flytende skoler i Bangladesh og mobile skoler for pastoralsamfunn i Kenya, sa Bokova. Kvalitet I tillegg til tiltak for nå de