
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Study of the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka: Building Civil Society

Study of the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka: Building Civil Society /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117296 Background This report from Sri Lanka is part of a study commissioned ... Save the Children Norway in Ethiopia and FORUT in Sri Lanka. NB! This is strictly speaking not an evaluation, but a study. Purpose/objective The Terms of Reference require that this study assess the impact


Gender Equity, Human Rights, Democracy and Social Justice in Bangladesh

Gender Equity, Human Rights, Democracy and Social Justice in Bangladesh Evaluation and appraisal of ASK’s core projects Norad Report 2/2012 Discussion Responsibility for the contents and ... Phone: +47 23 98 00 00 Fax: +47 23 98 00 99 ISBN 978-82-7548-640-8 ISSN 1502-2528 i Evaluation  and  Appraisal   Core  project  of  Ain  o  Salish  Kendra  (ASK)  Bangladesh


Samarbeidsavtale - programdokument - søknadsskjema for hele perioden - engelsk.pdf

partner countries, if any. e. Describe the Grant Recipient’s systems for monitoring results and evaluation of its own development cooperation efforts. f. What is the added value that the Grant Recipient ... satisfied? h. What are the principles underlying the choice of target groups? i. Give a brief description of geographical and thematic priorities/main areas of focus, both those that are Norad-financed


Guide to Completing the Application for Project and Program Funding (25.09.2015)

management (monitoring), evaluation and lessons learned: Please give a brief description and assessment of the systems the organization has for result-based monitoring and evaluation, including establishment ... data. Describe applicant’s financial management systems, including routines for field visits: A brief description of the systems for financial management at the headquarters, and, if relevant, in the


Guide to Completing the Application for Project and Program Funding (14.09.15)

management (monitoring), evaluation and lessons learned: Please give a brief description and assessment of the systems the organization has for result-based monitoring and evaluation, including establishment ... data. Describe applicant’s financial management systems, including routines for field visits: A brief description of the systems for financial management at the headquarters, and, if relevant, in the