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7.2023_Annexes 4-9_Evaluation of the interaction between Norwegian humanitarian aid, development cooperation and peace efforts_Country report_Democratic Republic of the Congo (1).pdf

ANNEXES 4-9 Country report: Democratic republic of the Congo D ep ar tm en t f or E va lu at io n Implementation and policy coherence: Evaluation of the interaction between Norwegian humanitarian ... humanitarian aid, development cooperation and peace efforts Evaluation of the Interaction between Norwegian HDP efforts Annexes p6 Annex 4: Theory of change The figure below represents in a


Evaluation of Norway's support to women's rights and gender equality in development cooperation Country Case Study: Nepal

1 Evaluation dEpartmEnt report 2/2015 // Nepal case study report evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation Nepal case study report Evaluation ... ................................................ 3 2. Country profilE ............................................................ 6 2.1 Brief history ...............................................


Evaluation of Norway's support to women's rights and gender equality in development cooperation Country Case Study: Ethiopia

1 Evaluation dEpartmEnt report 2/2015 // ethiopia case study report evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation ethiopia case study report ... ................................................... 4 2. WomEn’s rights and gEndEr Equality Country profilE ............................................................. 8 2.1 Introduction ......