
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Mid-term Review of the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)

........................................................................................ 61 Evaluation questions vs methodology applied ............................................................. ... ............................................... 9 Figure 2 Methodological tools and the main evaluation question themes .............................................................. 10 Figure 3 Overview


efforts to introduce new vaccines via the Accelerated Development and Introduction Plans (ADIPs) and the Hib Initiative (HI).pdf

An evaluation of GAVI Alliance efforts to introduce new vaccines via the Accelerated Development and Introduction Plans (ADIPs) and the Hib Initiative (HI) February 2007 ... data supplied by parties other than HLSP and used by HLSP in preparing this report. An evaluation of GAVI Alliance efforts to introduce new vaccines via ADIPs and the HI 1 HLSP February 2007


Improved health Training Education in Malawian Nursing Schools Independent Mid Term Review

..........................................................27 3.8 Focus area 6: Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................27 3.9 Conclusions and recommendations ... are planned. Evaluation - This MTR has been timely, as there are technical issues that can be improved and incorporated in the remaining infrastructure contracts. However, an evaluation of how the buildings


Gender Equity, Human Rights, Democracy and Social Justice in Bangladesh

Gender Equity, Human Rights, Democracy and Social Justice in Bangladesh Evaluation and appraisal of ASK’s core projects Norad Report 2/2012 Discussion Responsibility for the contents and ... Phone: +47 23 98 00 00 Fax: +47 23 98 00 99 ISBN 978-82-7548-640-8 ISSN 1502-2528 i Evaluation  and  Appraisal   Core  project  of  Ain  o  Salish  Kendra  (ASK)  Bangladesh


Study of the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka: Building Civil Society

Study of the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka: Building Civil Society /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117296 Background This report from Sri Lanka is part of a study commissioned ... Save the Children Norway in Ethiopia and FORUT in Sri Lanka. NB! This is strictly speaking not an evaluation, but a study. Purpose/objective The Terms of Reference require that this study assess the impact


Oil for Development - Annual Report 2020

Annual report - The Oil for Development ... 7 Programme results in 2020 8 Working with partners 10 PROGRAMME COUNTRIES 2020 – COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY REPORTS 11 Benin 12 Colombia 14 Ghana 16 Iraq 19 Kenya 21 Lebanon ... PROGRAMME RESULTS IN 2020 The country programmes constitute the core of the OfD Programme. Below is a list of key results and developments from the OfD country programmes in 2020: — In Iraq