
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Impact Assessment of Nepal Development Programme 2003-2007: Programme Impact on Freed Kamaiyas and Haliyas in the Far West

....................................................................................... 4 1.4 Country Context......................................................................................... ... CEAPRED Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development COPP Country Operational Programme Plan CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CSSD Conscious Society for


The Way Forward: Promoting Womens Political Leadership and Governance in India and South Asia Mid-Term Review

current programme. Relevance in terms of national and regional contexts The region, and each country specifically targeted with this programme, all face challenges in the field of gender responsive ... similar, much of what is confronted in each country is specific to the local context. This does not preclude that lessons can be learned, but mandates that each country be able to clearly delineate what is


Mid-term review of FOPRISA (Formative Process Research on Integration in Southern Africa)

recommendations 39 Executive summary Background 1. This mid-term review provides an evaluation of the programme, ‘Formative Process Research on Regional Integration in Southern Africa’ (FOPRISA) ... resources. Their re- mit also includes policy development, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, harmonisation and coordination of regional policies and pro- grammes. In this regard they are


Review of Norwegian support to National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Kenya

set-up, with overhead costs incurred by its Washington DC based headquarters, and also to provide a brief comparative analysis of alternative channels for support to political parties in Kenya. The assignment ... lessons learned 6. Add a substantial documentation, learning and communications department to the country office. This department should be led by a senior person with experience in research and analysis


Fish for Development - Annual report 2019

2CONTENT Content Acknowledgements 3 INTRODUCTION 4 The Fish for Development programme 6 2019 in brief and in numbers 10 COOPERATING COUNTRIES 16 Main partner countries 17 Colombia 17 Ghana 19 Myanmar ... developing countries through multilateral channels is therefore important. The report begins with a brief introduction to the Fish for Development (FfD) programme, followed by a description of the financial