
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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SWAps and civil society : the roles of civil society organisations in sector programmes : synthesis report

society – not least as a parallel trend to the involvement of civil society in PRSP processes at country level. There has been – both in Norway and internationally limited knowledge about what roles ... issues raised in this report are increasingly relevant due to new ways of financing activities at country level – the global initiatives such as the Global Fund for Tuberculosis, Aids and Malaria and World


Impact Assessment of Nepal Development Programme 2003-2007: Programme Impact on Freed Kamaiyas and Haliyas in the Far West

....................................................................................... 4 1.4 Country Context......................................................................................... ... CEAPRED Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development COPP Country Operational Programme Plan CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CSSD Conscious Society for


Lærdommer for fremtidig bistand til Malawi

Evalueringsavdelingen inviterer til lunsjmøte og debatt mandag 12. juni. Norad https://www.google.no/maps/place/Direktoratet+for+Utviklingssamarbeid+(Norad)/@59.9150638,10.7130367,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x46416dd4ac5d8637:0x65eb8a3180c10257!8m2!3d59.9150611!4d10.7152254 Informasjonssenteret 5. etasje Bygdøy allé 2, 0257 Malawi er ett av verdens minst utviklede land. Reduksjon


Mid-term review of FOPRISA (Formative Process Research on Integration in Southern Africa)

recommendations 39 Executive summary Background 1. This mid-term review provides an evaluation of the programme, ‘Formative Process Research on Regional Integration in Southern Africa’ (FOPRISA) ... resources. Their re- mit also includes policy development, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, harmonisation and coordination of regional policies and pro- grammes. In this regard they are


0of the Norwegian Petroleum-Related Assistance - Case Studies Regarding Mozambique, Bangladesh, East Timor and Angola - Annexes.pdf

Evaluation Report 1/2007 Evaluation of the Norwegian Petroleum-Related Assistance Case Studies Regarding Mozambique, Bangladesh, East Timor and Angola Annexes 2 - 9 _petroleum_eval_07_engelsk_summary ... +47 22 24 20 30 Fax: +47 22 24 20 31 Layout and print: Grefslie Trykkeri ISBN 978-82-7548-201-1 EVALUATION REPORTS 3.92 De Private Organisasjonene som Kanal for Norsk Bistand, Fase l 1.93 Internal Learning