
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Association for Development of the Northern Part of Mali (ADENORD)

Dr. Khurshed Alam, Chief Executive, Bangladesh Institute of Social Research (BISR) Stromme Foundation Stromme Foundation GLO 01/410 Stromme Foundation Bangladesh Unemployed Rehabilitation Organization ... Organization (BURO) Tangail <ul><li><a href="/link/6a619b445a554937a96af3f8e5ae4921.aspx?id=12805">Bangladesh</a></li><li><a href="/link/f92a6ef2e990465abc22c07d0510336d.aspx?id=12672">Multilaterale institusjoner</a></li></ul>


Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration and its Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration and its Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=259795 196 This report presents the findings ... (RCG) Norad Norad 11/2010 <ul><li><a href="/link/6a619b445a554937a96af3f8e5ae4921.aspx?id=12805">Bangladesh</a></li><li><a href="/link/6798ac8780ac47669c29abf22017a7db.aspx?id=12789">Kirgisistan</a></li><li><a


Norad søker reisefølge: Skal se på resultatene av norsk bistand

Norad søker reisefølge: Skal se på resultatene av norsk bistand Fire av ti nordmenn har ingen kunnskap om hvilke land Norge gir bistand til, viser en ny undersøkelse. Norad ... tilbake til det landet de tidligere har jobbet i. Ni byer skal sende en person med på reiser til Bangladesh og Tanzania. Reisefølget skal møte mennesker som er berørt av norsk bistand, og få egne inntrykk


Kultur viktig for demokratiutvikling

Kultur viktig for demokratiutvikling FNs utviklingsprogram (UNDP) lanserte 15. juli den nyeste utviklingsrapporten Human Development Report 2004. For første gang er temaet kultur, under tittelen ... bistandsorganisasjonen Sida har i 2004 gjennomgått PRSPene til flere land. De fant at blant annet Bangladesh, Etiopia, Tanzania og Uganda enten ikke nevnte kultur overhodet eller omtaler kultur kun som et


End review of the ADPC Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives at National and Regional Level in Asia

End Review of the program “Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, ADPC, Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives on National and Regional Level in Asia”. End review of the ADPC Disaster Risk Reduction ... national institutions, and address identified needs in the focal countries Vietnam, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The thematic area “Technical capacity building of national governments” covered seismic monitoring


Report of the Review (2007-2009) and Appraisal (proposed phase 2010-2012) of Manusher Jonno Foundation

rights, and became an independent Trust in 2006. The overall objective of MJF was to create within Bangladesh an institutional leader in human rights and governance programming with the capacity to garner ... network of partners, MJF is able to maintain a national presence throughout all the regions of Bangladesh. Interesting Findings • MJF has successfully met all targets and to date has funded and supported


Empowerment of the Poor through Federations” (EPF) project, RDRS: Impacts and processes. Final report

Background: Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service (RDRS) – a longterm partner of NCA in North Western Bangladesh – started to link smaller CBOs together into Federatios in the early 90`s. The Federations provide ... demographic character of the Union Parishad committees across the eight districts in North Western Bangladesh. A number of case studies show that the growing influence of the Federations was critical in the