
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Norads årsrapport 2016

å nå flere, også internasjonalt. Avdelingen utviklet et nytt produkt i 2016, såkalte Country Evaluation Briefs (CEBs), og ferdigstilte CEB-rapporter for Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik. Produktets ... Evalueringsavdelingen ble det i 2016 gjennomført to studier og tre evalueringer, samt tre country evaluation briefs. I tillegg ble fem rapporter utarbeidet i samarbeid med de uavhengige evalueringskontorene


18A Mid-term Review of Strategic Partnership to support local CSOs working on Human Rights Democracy and Good Governance Ethiopia.pdf

provide technical support to partners. The civil society organizations we have reviewed under this evaluation accomplished a great deal of „their planned activities „ provided that the issues they address ... challenging particularly within the weak institutional as well as policy environment of the country. The evaluation team tried to measure the projects‟ achievement in light of this context. The team learnt


Consultation on Applying Human Rights to Women’s and Children’s Health

and last year, 16 million adoles- cents under the age of 19 became pregnant. I have worked at country level, where it is “normal” for children to miss up to three months of school every year because ... critical first step in adopting a rights-based approach to women’s and children’s health. For a country, this means full compliance with the legal obligations of State parties as set out in article