
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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DOCS-#50668-v1-A_new_beginning_-_primary school and social change in post-conflict Cambodia.pdf

primary schools and social change in post-conflict Preah Vihear Province - Cambodia An evaluation of the project Public Education for Disadvantaged Children in Preah Vihear Province, implemented ... remnants of the Khmer Rouge in 1998. Process of carrying out the evaluation A team of five people carried out the evaluation between July and November 2005. Preliminary activities included a four


Mapping and analysis of the needs for petroleum related education in Tanzania

Security and Environment LNG- Liquified Natural Gas LPG-Liquified Petroleum Gas M&E-Monitoring and Evaluation MEM- Ministry of Energy and Minerals MKUKUTA- Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper of Tanzania MOEVT-Ministry ... fields opened for production. Despite the fact that gas is not a new phenomenon in Tanzania, the country has had limited exposure to the oil and gas sector so far and have few people with petroleum- related


Application form individual agreements.doc

Application form individual ... development cooperation projects financed? Please fill in the form below: (All amounts in NOK) Country of Project From Norad From the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs From other governmental ... project 2.1. Basic information about the project: a. Project name in English: [     ] b. Region/country: [     ] c. Previous support from Norad for this particular project: Year: [     ] [     ]


Norads årsrapport 2016

å nå flere, også internasjonalt. Avdelingen utviklet et nytt produkt i 2016, såkalte Country Evaluation Briefs (CEBs), og ferdigstilte CEB-rapporter for Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik. Produktets ... Evalueringsavdelingen ble det i 2016 gjennomført to studier og tre evalueringer, samt tre country evaluation briefs. I tillegg ble fem rapporter utarbeidet i samarbeid med de uavhengige evalueringskontorene