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18A Mid-term Review of Strategic Partnership to support local CSOs working on Human Rights Democracy and Good Governance Ethiopia.pdf

provide technical support to partners. The civil society organizations we have reviewed under this evaluation accomplished a great deal of „their planned activities „ provided that the issues they address ... challenging particularly within the weak institutional as well as policy environment of the country. The evaluation team tried to measure the projects‟ achievement in light of this context. The team learnt



Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) June 2007 C:\UNO Local\krg\My Documents\Slettes etterhvert\NGO evaluation\NGO Word og pdf\REVIEW OF THE NPA RWANDA PROGRAMME AND ASSESSMENT OF PROSPECTS OF NPA ACTIVITIES ... ......................................................................................... 6 1.1 Brief background ....................................................................................


Norwegian Refugee Council Review and appraisal 1) “Strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms through Emergency Education Support to Northern Districts of Kitgum and Pader” 2) “Education for Protection and Recovery

........................................................................ 10 2. The conflict in brief ................................................................................................. ...  learning environments.  6. NRC has had some capacity gaps. There has been a huge  turn‐over of country directors  (five  in 2007).   This has constrained opportunities to create synergies between the various projects


Consultation on Applying Human Rights to Women’s and Children’s Health

and last year, 16 million adoles- cents under the age of 19 became pregnant. I have worked at country level, where it is “normal” for children to miss up to three months of school every year because ... critical first step in adopting a rights-based approach to women’s and children’s health. For a country, this means full compliance with the legal obligations of State parties as set out in article


Grant Scheme Rules for Application-Based Support for Private Sector Actors.pdf

geographic prioritisations in the scheme, the measure also needs to take place in an ODA-approved country with a gross national income per capita that is lower than the World Bank’s ceiling for providing ... receive support though the grant scheme, result in development effects/impact in the recipient country. Development effects from investments in developing countries may be job creation, transfer of technology


Relief Work in Complex Emergencies - The Norwegian NGO Experience

Relief Work in Complex ... Evaluation Report 14.98 Relief Work in Complex Emergencies The Norwegian NGO Experience By Center for Partnership in Development, Diakonhjemmet International Center EC o EC OS vltnistrv ... gender dimension Coordination and cooperation in emergency health services ... Monitoring and evaluation 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 Nutrition with Special Focus


GAD Approved - Guide to International Assistance in Myanmar EN.pdf

Government of Myanmar has brought about profound political, social, and economic changes in the country. The Government is mindful, however, that sustaining the rapid pace of development would be impossible ... participants affirmed their commitment to the fundamental principles that development efforts must be country-led and international assistance must be based on mutual accountability. This commitment was reflected


Conservation for development - an organisational review of WWF Norway

.............................................................. 16 5.2 Systems for monitoring, evaluation and learning................................................................................. 17 ... International Union for Conservation of Nature LFA Logical Framework Analysis M&E Monitoring and Evaluation (with reference to reporting) MDG United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals MFA Norwegian