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Desk analysis Civil Society for Accountable Governance 2005-2009 Final Report.pdf

........................................................................................ 5 1.1 Brief background ...................................................................................... ... Norwegian Church Aid’s thematic area of Civil Society for Accountable Governance (CSAG). 1.1 Brief background 2 As a follow-up of the quantitative desk study of Civil Society for Accountable Governance


Application form individual agreements.doc

Application form individual ... development cooperation projects financed? Please fill in the form below: (All amounts in NOK) Country of Project From Norad From the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs From other governmental ... project 2.1. Basic information about the project: a. Project name in English: [     ] b. Region/country: [     ] c. Previous support from Norad for this particular project: Year: [     ] [     ]


18A Mid-term Review of Strategic Partnership to support local CSOs working on Human Rights Democracy and Good Governance Ethiopia.pdf

provide technical support to partners. The civil society organizations we have reviewed under this evaluation accomplished a great deal of „their planned activities „ provided that the issues they address ... challenging particularly within the weak institutional as well as policy environment of the country. The evaluation team tried to measure the projects‟ achievement in light of this context. The team learnt


Statistics for the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy - Mid Term Review

...................................................... 8 3 Scope and purpose of the Mid-term evaluation ............................................... 10 4 Key findings .......................... ... NSO/management 22. Focus more on long-term development rather than short-term fixing 23. Formal evaluation of missions 24. Improve the risk analysis SN, NSO SN, NSO NSO, SN SN, NSO Cross-cutting


Midtveisgjennomgang av støtte til helsesektoren i Botswana

Norwegian – based consultant, Marilyn Lauglo, for the Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) in Pretoria. The country visit for the Review took place from 21 May to 1 June 2007. TORs for the Review can be found in ... supports the Project goal but their inclusion is highly relevant to beneficiaries’ requirements, country needs, and Botswana’s priorities but they are less relevant to Norway’s development priorities.