
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Erfaringer fra evalueringer av kvinne- og likestillingsrettet bistand.pdf

DFID (2006), Evaluation of DFID’s Policy and Practice in Support of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Volume 1. Synthesis Report. European Commission (2003), Thematic evaluation of the integration ... Final Report. International Labour Office (2005), Thematic evaluation report: Gender issues in Technical cooperation. Norad (2005), Evaluation of the ‘Strategy for Women and Gender Equality in Development


Fast Track to Completion _ the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary Schools (CREPS) and the D.pdf

Evaluation of CREPS in Sierra Leone July 2005 Educare Eva Marion Johannessen 1 PREFACE .................................................................................................... ... ............................................................................. 11 3.3 THE 2003 EVALUATION OF THE CREPS .................................................................................


Norwegian Support to Strengthening Human Resources for Health - A review of financing mechanisms.pdf

Hospital JPIAMR Global Coordination of Antimicrobial Resistance Research LMIC Low and Middle-Income Country MNCH Maternal, Newborn and Child Health NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee NOKUT Norwegian ... investigator can be a non-Norwegian national. Such a requirement may limit the opportunities for country-driven research by low-and middle income countries. • The thematic priority areas concerning health