
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Review of the ongoing project (2005-2009) and appraisal of project entitled promotion and projection of women’s human rights in Bangladesh project (2010-2014) of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad (BMP).pdf

information. However the observations drawn the Review Team (RT) and the inferences of the internal evaluation of BMP reveal that the training programme need to be more focused and be carried out by professionally ... planning and budgeting, use of software for accounting, reporting and data analysis, monitoring, evaluation etc. In view of the victims being alienated from their family, community and the society in


Review of Christian Relief Network in development co-operation

coherence, coordination, connectedness, cost-effectiveness and location of responsibilities. A recent evaluation of the International Humanitarian Assistance of the Norwegian Red Cross, as well as NORAD’s Handbook ... measured in quantitative terms. Individual projects are established to meet specific targets in unique country, or community, contexts. Qualitative analysis is therefore required to complete a comprehensive


Mid Term Review of the Reform Design Phase of the Property and Business Formalisation Programme Tanzania.pdf

available, although as it was voluminous it was not always easy to obtain adequate copies during the brief period of the Review. It should be noted that the Progress Report gave very much the impression of ... and dialogue with various stakeholders. 11. The review team has tried to make its report as brief as possible so that it can be digested and used for the next annual meeting between the Government


Mapping of TVET interventions contributing to climate change mitigation.pdf

across Norad’s TVET portfolio. • Use Norway’s comparative advantage as a natural resource rich country that is implementing greening strategies to influence political buy-in and encourage demand for ... transformation of local economies, and what skills demands, training needs and opportunities are for each country • Highlighted that training modules in their programming include health, safety and environmental


Mid-Term Review “Capacity-Building of Trauma Counselors in East-Jerusalem YMCA”

involved in the review (as opposed to making stakeholders subjects to „question-answer‟ style of evaluation) by engaging them in open-minded discussions. Hopefully the review will lead to strengthening ... and project stakeholders. 1.5 Limitations There are several methodological limitations in a brief review like this. First, it should be stressed that it is a review mid-way in the life of a project


Kicking AIDS Out : Through movement games and sports activities

players` attitudes towards learning, their enthusiasm and their desire to have fun. Start with a brief recap from the events and the knowledge gained from the previous sessions. Get feedback from the child-to-child ... This is important not only because KAO activities are a type of health education, but also because evaluation forms a basis for future planning. It helps you to evaluate your progress as a coach, as well as


The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)– review of Norwegian support to the ICGLR Secretariat .pdf

come in the form of a) through UNDP- Burundi; b) directly to the Secretariat; or c) through a third country. III Executive summary (French) Le présent rapport livre les ... attention to Burundi. It is also a core country to the main conflict (albeit to a lesser degree than the three aforementioned ones), and it is the host country of the ICGLR as its headquarters are located


Mid-Term Review of project “Children voicing children´s rights of Gaza YMCA

YMCA Gaza through cooperation with Y Global and funds made available by Norad. The MTR was led by evaluation specialist Mr. Nael Younis.1 The Review process began in late June, 2007 and continued until ... project, objectives, purpose and scope of the review, and the review methodology and work plan. A brief overview of YMCA Gaza, its mandate, programs and management structures as well as its financial