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Organizational Performance Review of the Norwegian ForUM for Environment and Development (ForUM)

other stakeholders (see Appendix 5.) The team’s point of departure has been an assessment of an evaluation of ForUM from 1998 by ECON and a ForUM member survey from 2008, which is compared with and related ... dex.html for details.)  13    The ECON member survey.  ForUM requested ECON to undertake an evaluation of the organisation in 1998, primarily with the objective to provide input to discussions about


4A Impact Assessment of Nepal Development Programme Freed Halaiyas and Kamaiyas in the far West Nepal 2008.pdf

....................................................................................... 4 1.4 Country Context......................................................................................... ... CEAPRED Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development COPP Country Operational Programme Plan CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CSSD Conscious Society for


Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA) _ A Critical Review of the Organisation and its Pro.pdf

Chapter 3: APSA: An Overview and Assessment of its Projects 25 Chapter 4: Learnings from the Evaluation: Strengths, Strategies, Challenges and Needs in APSA 83 Chapter 5: Organisational Capacity ... them realise their rights as humans and citizens for twenty-six years. The evaluation is a mid-term evaluation, being conducted within the agreement period of 2004 – 2008 between FORUT and APSA