
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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4A Impact Assessment of Nepal Development Programme Freed Halaiyas and Kamaiyas in the far West Nepal 2008.pdf

....................................................................................... 4 1.4 Country Context......................................................................................... ... CEAPRED Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development COPP Country Operational Programme Plan CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CSSD Conscious Society for


Norads årsrapport 2018

forvaltningsfaglig rådgivning og kvalitetssikring I kjølvannet av evalueringen ’Resultatstyring i praksis’, (Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management) har det vært økende ... For å fremme læring og bruk av evalueringer har avdelingen fortsatt arbeidet med ‘Country Evaluation Briefs’, som har som mål å gjøre allerede eksisterende kunnskap om norske og internasjonale


Midtveisgjennomgang av Utviklingsfondets ”Ethio-Norwegian UNCCD Program 2007-2011.pdf

Discussions were held with relevant Ethiopian partners and institutions. The report contains a brief introduction to the program features and a systematic review of the most significant aspects of the ... of DF guided the team on pastoral perspective and was instrumental in the whole process of the evaluation and served as a resource person for the Review. The Team wants to thank DF and all the involved