
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Near-End Review of the Norwegian Support to the Programme “Strengthening the Management of the Oil and Gas Sector in Uganda”

Near-End Review also comprised the OPM team conducting key stakeholder and beneficiary interviews in-country in January 2018. The Ugandan interviewees represented several ministries, departments and agencies ... role of the PCC. While appreciated, this role was found to have scope to play a more monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) function to more effectively manage implementation risks on an ongoing basis


More than just talk? A Literature Review on Promoting Human Rights through Political Dialogue

More than just ... EVALUATION DEPARTMENT REPORT 3 /2016 More than just talk? A Literature Review on Promoting Human Rights through Political Dialogue Photo: Ken Opprann More than just talk ... political dialogue is specifically on all aspects of bilateral relations that form part of Norwegian country-level dialogue aiming to promote human rights. Political dialogue is not limited to those countries


Prevention and eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs).pdf

Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs) Final Evaluation NORAD COLLECTED REVIEWS 38/2008 Janne Lexow, DECO, NCG, team leader Marit Berggrav, Norad ... ............................. ................................ ........... 6 4. The programme in brief ................................ ................................ .......................... 7 5.


Gender Mainstreaming in Rural Electricifation Projects in Uganda - Initial Scoping Mission.pdf

construction 14 4.3. Gender issues in implementation 16 4.4. Gender issues in planning, monitoring & evaluation 20 5 NEXT STEPS IN GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROJECTS IN UGANDA 20 5.1. Capacity ... electrification projects in Uganda: In construction, in implementation, and in planning, monitoring and evaluation. The next steps for gender mainstreaming in rural electrification projects in Uganda are included