
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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LO-Norway- MCTU Final Evaluation Report, 2010-14

LO-Norway- MCTU Final Evaluation Report, 2010-14 42 Background The cooperation between the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway) and the Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) started in ... MCTU's struggle for promoting and defending trade union rights. Purpose/objective The basis of the evaluation is to determine the performance and progress of the programme cooperation, and to gauge if results


Final Evaluation Report of Misitu Yetu Project

Final Evaluation Report of Misitu Yetu Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117399 Background Local partners: CARE Tanzania, Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, Wildlife Conservation ... conserving the biodiversity of the Ruvu, Pugu and Kazimzumbi Forest Reserves in the coastal areas of the country. The sub-objectives of the project were: 1. Enable participatory forest management processes, where


Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Sri Lanka Case Study

Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Sri Lanka Case Study /forsiden/evaluation-of-norwegian-business-related-assistance-sri-lanka-case-study 128 Preface This is the first country report ... report as part of a broad evaluation of Norwegian businessrelated development aid, an evaluation commissioned by the Evaluation Department of Norad. In addition to Sri Lanka there will be similar reports


Thematic Evaluation of BNs integrated projects

Thematic Evaluation of BNs integrated projects /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117384 Background The Norwegian Missions in Development (BN) is an umbrella organization uniting 16 Norwegian ... total value of about 43 million NOK, which is 30 % of the annual BN budget. Purpose/objective The evaluation should identify strengths and weaknesses of integrated projects and through this conclude whether