
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Final Evaluation of “Development Alcoche” Regional Contract

Final Evaluation of “Development Alcoche” Regional Contract /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=387435 Purpose/objective: There has been needed a broad evaluation as the Regional Development ... of the following parameters: Pertinence; Efficiency (organization, intervention, follow-up and evaluation); Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability, putting more emphasis on the impact. For this, different


A participatory evaluation of community transformation in rural Cambodia

A participatory evaluation of community transformation in rural Cambodia /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=393243 Background: After the pilot phase in 2007/2008, working in ten villages with ... understood as increased income, and reduced poverty level. Purpose/objective: Midterm evaluation. The main purpose of the evaluation is to get a solid foundation of whether the organisations are on track to achieve


Evaluering av Norges arbeid med å inkludere mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne i utviklingssamarbeide

Evaluering av Norges arbeid med å inkludere mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne i utviklingssamarbeidet Se også 64/85 Evalueringen av Norges arbeid med å inkludere mennesker ... rapportene kan du lese om funn fra evalueringen i en oppsummering og i to policy briefs.  Se også nyhetssak her.  Evaluation of Norway’s inclusion of persons with disabilities in development cooperation Youtube


Evaluation Series of NORHED Higher Education and Research for Development Evaluation of the award mechanism

Evaluation Series of NORHED. Evaluation of the award mechanism 62 Evaluation of NORHED’s award process: This evaluation described and assessed the mechanism that Norad uses to select grantees for the ... the NORHED programme. The purpose of the evaluation is to improve the process of selecting grantees in the future. Did Norad select the applications that responded to the NORHED criteria for selection, and


Final Evaluation “El Alto Norte Agreement”

Final Evaluation “El Alto Norte Agreement” /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117502 Background The purpose of Norwegian Mission Alliance in Bolivia (MAN-B) is to promote the integrated development ... of the experience. With this purpose in mind, the institution decided to carry out this External Evaluation to analyze performance of the Agreement, its programs and projects from different angles. The lessons


Evaluation of Collective Sustainable Development Planning Project

Evaluation of Collective Sustainable Development Planning Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117427 Background The Collaborative Sustainable Development Planning Project (CSDPP) is ... Centre (NCDC) in Ilam district, supported by The Development Fund. The project period covered by the evaluation is 2001 to 2005 (also referred as the second phase of CSDPP). The main goal of the project is "to


Midterm Evaluation of NPA-Cambodia Office’s Development Program

repatriation) and with the first deployment of de-miners under UN auspices in the north-western part of the country. The NPA has provided financial and technical assistance to the Cambodian Mine Action Centre since ... from the previous decade. By 2010, NPA’s development programme had more than 20 partners in the country. The programme was funded by Norad’s civil society grant as the sole external funder (in the early