
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Presentation of evaluation: Norway’s support to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake

Presentation of evaluation: Norway’s support to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake Norads evalueringsavdeling inviterer til presentasjon av evalueringsrapport om Norges innsats etter jordskjelvet på Haiti ... Haiti i 2010 Mer om evalueringen: /no/aktuelt/arrangementskalender/presentation-of-evaluation-norways-support-to-haiti-after-the-2010-earthquake Information Centre 6th floor, Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo Ruseløkkveien


Seminar om erfaringer med bistand til Mali

Evalueringsavdelingen legger fram ny landrapport om et av Norges partnerland. Norad Direktoratet for Utviklingssamarbeid Møterom U2-30 Bygdøy allé 2, 0257 Oslo Frem til ... endringer, også i giversamarbeidet. Dette er noe av det som kommer fram i en ny synteserapport (Country Evaluation Brief) som systematiserer og oppsummerer evalueringsfunn om den internasjonale bistanden til Mali


Evaluation Study of Norwegian Church Aid Resources and Finance Programme

performance of the Resources and Finance (R&F) Programme – which is a key intervention of NCA Tanzania Country Programme (2011-2015) Purpose/ Objective: Assess the extent to which NCA’s work has contributed or ... NCA’s choice of partners has contributed to success/challenges in the program. Methodology: This evaluation adopted conceptual and participatory techniques; a mixed method design employing both qualitative


Chin Human Rights Organisation: Project Kaladan Movement External Evaluation Report

approaches its end (December 2015), SAINT in conjunction with CHRO determined to carry out an external evaluation of the project with the purpose:  “To highlight key impacts and successes of Project Kaladan Movement ... staff, the participants, and the founders of CHRO.”  Methodology The methodology selected for the evaluation is based on: (a) Process and Stakeholder Analysis, (b) Results Based Monitoring, with focus on


Evaluation of NPAs Civil Society Programme in Myanmar

external mid-term evaluation of the three year framework for civil society support for its NORAD and SIDA frameworks for 2016-2019 in Myanmar. For transparency and cost efficiency, one evaluation covered both ... Myanmar Country Strategy Pillar 1: Civil society participating in the establishment of a stronger democracy, which these two grants contribute to. The evaluation aimed to : conduct a mid-term evaluation of


Pedagogical Improvement Project (2010-2014) Mid-term external Evaluation 2010-2011, Bolivia

Pedagogical Improvement Project (2010-2014) Mid-term external Evaluation 2010-2011, Bolivia /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=399069 Background: From 2001-2010, ICEL implemented “School project ... population increased significantly and the legal, political and socio-educational context of the country changed substantially. In order to take on the major challenges discovered by this former project


Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement Project External Evaluation

religious minorities, women and children. Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement Project External Evaluation The Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement Project was a 3-year project starting in 2019 and ended ... External Evaluation The Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement Project was a 3-year project starting in 2019 and ended in 2021. Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement Project External Evaluation 26 Summary


WWF Mara River Basin Management Initiative, Kenya and Tanzania, phase III – final evaluation report (dated January 2013)

WWF Mara River Basin Management Initiative, Kenya and Tanzania, phase III – final evaluation report (dated January 2013) /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=404035 Background: The scarce water ... purpose of the evaluation was to provide WWF and stakeholders with an independent assessment of the project achievements and to guide WWF in the design of similar future projects. The evaluation focussed on


Evaluation of SCN support to Save the Children Guatemala

Evaluation of SCN support to Save the Children Guatemala /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=138688 Executive Summary Save the Children Norway (SCN) has been working in Guatemala since the 1976 ... 1976 earthquake, with an in-country office throughout practically the whole period. Among other partners, SCN has been cooperating with Save the Children Guatemala (SCG) since it was founded in 1983. In


Good Governance and Effective Community Participation, Final Project Evaluation

Good Governance and Effective Community Participation, Final Project Evaluation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117458 Background The Governance and Social Mobilization project was implemented ... and children and respect for their rights was pivotal to this intervention. Purpose/objective The Evaluation was commissioned to assess the extent to which the project fulfilled the set objectives and produced