
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Good Governance and Effective Community Participation, Final Project Evaluation

Good Governance and Effective Community Participation, Final Project Evaluation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117458 Background The Governance and Social Mobilization project was implemented ... and children and respect for their rights was pivotal to this intervention. Purpose/objective The Evaluation was commissioned to assess the extent to which the project fulfilled the set objectives and produced


Evaluation of Competence Building Network on Early Childhood Development, 2014

Evaluation of Competence Building Network on Early Childhood Development, 2014 48 The Competence Building Network for Early Childhood Education (CBN) in eastern and southern Africa was started in 1999 ... of local initiative by participants in the application. Digni strongly recommended an external evaluation of the ended project in 2014 as part of the process of the way forward for the Network. CBN accepted


Evaluation of Global Contract & Agency Labour Project

Evaluation of Global Contract & Agency Labour Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=399208 Background: The use of Contract and Agency Workers is on the increase in the global labour market ... companies increasing use of contract and agency workers. Purpose/objective: The objective of the evaluation has been •To assess the results of the support provided to ICEM by LO to strengthen the trade union


Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative. Synthesising Report 2007-2013

Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative. Synthesising Report 2007-2013 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=415169 194 Norway’s International Climate and ... internationally and at the country level. cms_content Film from the presentation seminar august 2014. NICFI has been monitored by an evaluation team since 2010. This evaluation is the final one conducted


The Methodist Rural Public Health Programme Evaluation January 2006

The Methodist Rural Public Health Programme Evaluation January 2006 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117451 Background The Methodist Public Health Centre was started in1962. The work in Mursan ... component of different activities related to prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS. The present evaluation has looked into both the previous health work in this report called "general health work" and the


Moktab-based Pre-School for Quality Education; Impact Evaluation Report

Pre-School for Quality Education; Impact Evaluation Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=418594 1. Project Description and Background to Evaluation: In 2008, while Stromme Foundation (SF) ... Methodology: The impact assessment was started with reviewing the project documents and getting a brief from the management of Stromme Foundation. Based on that the check lists were developed for conducting


External Evaluation of Norwegian Church Aid's Emergency WASH-kit

External Evaluation of Norwegian Church Aid's Emergency WASH-kit Norwegian Church Aid’s (NCA’s) Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Kit. 38 Background: NCA has been an active member of NOREPS from ... provision of WASH-kits to UNHCR in relation to the findings on the points above. Methodology: The evaluation was carried out by Mr. Tore Laugerud of NCG. He did a desk study in Oslo with analyses of NCA documents


Hva bør evalueres i norsk utviklingspolitikk?

Hva bør evalueres i norsk utviklingspolitikk? Evalueringsavdelingen ønsker innspill til relevante temaer og problemstillinger for fremtidige evalueringer. Evalueringsavdelingen ... flyktninger kostnadseffektivitet av ulike kanaler og virkemidler fortsettelse av rapportserien Country Evaluation Briefs - Vi ønsker oss også kommentarer og forslag til mulige vinklinger innenfor temaene som allerede


Evaluation Report CELPA-Niger Literacy Project

Evaluation Report CELPA-Niger Literacy Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=394745 Purpose/objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the relevance of the project; the impact ... also made recommendations for a new phase of the project. Methodology: The approach used for the evaluation was the participative reflection. The evaluators discussed and work closely with the project leadership