
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Evaluation of Norwegian Development Co-operation in the Fisheries Sector

Evaluation of Norwegian Development Co-operation in the Fisheries Sector /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=124755 102 When Norwegian development aid was initiated more than fifty years ago ... ago fisheries were an obvious sector choice. Being a country of fishermen - at least as far as our lengthy coast is concerned - should place us in an ideal position to assist poor countries in Asia and


Evaluation of Norwegian Support to the Protection of Cultural Heritage

Evaluation of Norwegian Support to the Protection of Cultural Heritage /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=132064 188 Preface Support to culture, cultural heritage and arts has been part of ... the Strategy for Norway's culture and sports cooperation with countries in the South (2005). The evaluation was commissioned to obtain an understanding of the results of the Norwegian support to the protection


Evaluation of Various Components of the Kuatiañe’ê Project

Evaluation of Various Components of the Kuatiañe’ê Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=390824 Background: In the last thirty years, Guaraní-speaking peoples have been obliged to undergo ... didactic purpose of motivating reading and the ability to write. Purpose/objective: Mid term external evaluation, seeking to understand and appraise the work the KUATIAÑE’Ë PROJECT has proposed—giving to Guaraní-speaking


Evaluation of the Development Cooperation through Norwegian NGOs in Guatemala

Evaluation of the Development Cooperation through Norwegian NGOs in Guatemala /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109761 64 Norad has commissioned this evaluation in order to increase the knowledge ... democratization, the justice sector, and indigenous rights. The Terms of Reference (Appendix 1) for the evaluation are comprehensive. The emphasis is placed on assessing the outcomes of the Norwegian NGO aid at


Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation. Annual report 2012

Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation. Annual report 2012 The evaluation work in Norad seeks to document to what extent Norwegian development cooperation is relevant, effective and achieves ... ublikasjon?key=408488 48 In 2012, we commissioned nine evaluations and studies, and we contributed to ten studies conducted by the evaluation offices at The World Bank and the UN Development Programme


Evaluation of Norway’s Engagement in Somalia 2012–2018

Evaluation of Norway's engagement in Somalia during the period 2012-2018 from Evaluation Department in Norad. Evaluation of Norway’s Engagement in Somalia 2012–2018 Les mer om evalueringen Read in ... English Evaluering av Norges innsats i Somalia i tidsperioden 2012-2018. @noradevaluering Related evaluations 121 Evalueringen har sett på Norges innsats i Somalia i tidsperioden 2012-2018. Den har vurdert


Evaluation of Competence Building Network on Early Childhood Development, 2014

Evaluation of Competence Building Network on Early Childhood Development, 2014 48 Summary of the evaluation Background: The Competence Building Network for Early Childhood Education (CBN) in eastern ... of local initiative by participants in the application. Digni strongly recommended an external evaluation of the ended project in 2014 as part of the process of the way forward for the Network. CBN accepted


External evaluation of the community development project (DECO)

External evaluation of the community development project (DECO) /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=387753 Background: Purpose/objective: Misión Alianza de Noruega en Ecuador (MAN-E) began ... “Guayaquil, Ecuador Community Development – 2004 Project Plan” is the project’s base. After the evaluation in 2006 the project was reviewed and the document “2006 Project Plan Changes” was made. The project