
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Study of Reviews and Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation

Evaluation report Study of Reviews and Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation - mapping 52 See information in English further down on the page Denne kartleggingsstudien ble gjort som forarbeid ... done in preparation for an evaluation of the quality and use of reviews and decentralized evaluations in the management of Norwegian development cooperation. The evaluation is carried out in 2016. The


The Methodist Rural Public Health Programme Evaluation January 2006

The Methodist Rural Public Health Programme Evaluation January 2006 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=134286 Background: The Methodist Public Health Centre was started in1962. The work in ... component of different activities related to prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS. The present evaluation has looked into both the previous health work in this report called "general health work" and the


Evaluation of REST Integrated Agricultural Development Program

Evaluation of REST Integrated Agricultural Development Program /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117398 Background The Relief Society of Tigray (REST) and the Development Fund (DF) in Norway ... be supported by the work of the Research Project. Purpose/objective The general objective of the evaluation was to critically review the DF-supported activities and to recommend on future directions of the


Final evaluation report for Thaba Bosiu Centre, Blue Cross Lesotho

Final evaluation report for Thaba Bosiu Centre, Blue Cross Lesotho /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117309 Background The evaluation team: 1) Mr. Joseph Hayuni (External consultant), leader ... leader of the evaluation team 2) Mrs Heidi Westborg Steel, Blue Cross Norway (BCN) 3) Mrs. Olive Makante, Blue Cross Lesotho (BCL) 4) Mrs Matsepo Letlola, Thaba Bosiu Center (TBC) 5) Mrs Mathabiso Mosala


Evaluation of Norwegian aid engagement in the Sahel

E va lu at io n Evaluation of Norwegian aid engagement in the Sahel REPORT 1 2023 Organisational Management The report is commissioned by the Department for Evaluation in Norad The Department ... Department for Evaluation is responsible for conducting independent evaluations of activities funded over the ODA budget. The department is governed under a separate mandate and associated strategy issued by


Joint Scandinavian Evaluation of Support to Capacity Development

Scandinavian Evaluation of Support to Capacity Development Related publication 98 During the course of the past two years, Danida, Norad and Sida have conducted a large-scale joint evaluation of their respective ... undertaken as part of this joint effort, including a number of preparatory studies, three parallel evaluations and the production of a synthesis report and related dissemination activities. This report is synthesizing


Impact Evaluation Report on MFA-NCA Scholarships Programme

Impact Evaluation Report on MFA-NCA Scholarships Programme 53 Background This Consultancy Report of MFA/NCA Scholarship Programme for young South Sudanese covers the period 2004 to 2019. The evaluation ... 2004 including the period after independence of South Sudan. The MFA/NCA Scholarships under the evaluation consists of the Women Scholarship Programme and Master Degree Programme in Multicultural and International


Evaluation of Norway’s Engagement in Somalia 2012–2018

Evaluation of Norway's engagement in Somalia during the period 2012-2018 from Evaluation Department in Norad. Evaluation of Norway’s Engagement in Somalia 2012–2018 Les mer om evalueringen Read in ... English Evaluering av Norges innsats i Somalia i tidsperioden 2012-2018. @noradevaluering Related evaluations 121 Evalueringen har sett på Norges innsats i Somalia i tidsperioden 2012-2018. Den har vurdert