
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Etatsrapport 2003 : fra Norad til Utenriksdepartementet

143.1.2 Mosambik 153.1.3 Tanzania 163.1.4 Uganda 173.1.5 Malawi 173.1.6 Zambia 183.1.7 Bangladesh 193.1.8 Nepal 203.2 Tematiske satsingsområder 203.2.1 Utdanning 213.2.2 Urfolk 223.2 ... Tanzania, Mosambik, Zambia, Uganda, Malawi, Det palestinske området, Etiopia, Afghanistan, Nepal og Bangladesh. Disse landene mottok mellom 123,4 og 380,9 millioner kroner. Med unntak av Afghanistan hadde alle


Vol 1 Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health - An Evaluation of the IPPF.pdf

working in cooperation with the funding agencies and IPPF. The evaluation builds on field studies in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Uganda. It was carried out from April to November 2006. Evaluation methods The ... .............................................. 66 Case 2. Reaching out to religious leaders, Bangladesh.................................................................................. 67 Case 3. Radio


Norwegian Support to the Education Sector - Overview of policies and trends 1988-1998

support to NGOs and through multilateral organisations 5.3 Country programme support to Asia Bangladesh stands out clearly as the main partner for bilateral country programme assistance in Asia (NGO ... women’s education, a teacher training centre and in-service teacher training 2. Basic education in Bangladesh - Procurement of paper and training of staff in National Curriculum and Text Book Board) administered


Næringsliv skaper utvikling - Hva norske myndigheter gjør for å fremme private investeringer i utviklingsland

Næringsliv ... nyttig for næringslivet. Erik Solheim Miljø- og utviklingsminister Brac Bank, Bangladesh Foto: Norfund 7 Norske selskapers interesse for å utforske markedsmulighetene og etablere ... Mellom-Amerika: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama og Costa Rica. Sør-Øst-Asia: Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos og Kambodsja. De prioriterte sektorene er fornybar energi, finansinstitusjoner


Vol 1 Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health - An Evaluation of the IPPF.pdf

working in cooperation with the funding agencies and IPPF. The evaluation builds on field studies in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Uganda. It was carried out from April to November 2006. Evaluation methods The ... .............................................. 66 Case 2. Reaching out to religious leaders, Bangladesh.................................................................................. 67 Case 3. Radio


Oil for Development initiative Annual report 2010

Oil ... timor-Leste 39 Uganda 43 // ofd ProjecTs couNTries wiTh liMiTed cooPeraTioN 44 Afghanistan 46 Bangladesh 48 Cambodia 50 Cuba 52 ecuador 54 Iraq 56 Ivory Coast 58 Kenya 60 Lebanon 62 mauritania 64 nicaragua ... T om é an d Pr in ci pe 2010 Country 2009 2010 Afghanistan 13.0 5.7 ecuador 2.0 3.8 Bangladesh 8.8 3.0 Lebanon 2.4 2.1 São tomé and principe 1.1 1.9 vietnam 2.5 1.5 Iraq 3.3 1.4 Cuba 0


Oppsummeringsrapport 2016: Varslingsteamets arbeid med økonomiske misligheter

Rapporten gir ... 2016. Malawi Uganda Rwanda Pakistan/Norge India Nicaragua Peru Sudan Nepal Lao PDR Bangladesh 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Varslingssaker land 2016 5 Norads avsluttede varslingssaker fra ... økonomistyring og rapportering hos lokal partner. NOK 148.219 er tilbakebetalt. Desember 2016/830 Bangladesh Strømmestiftelsen Fiktivt bilag, manipulert anskaffelsesprosess og forfalskning av underskrifter


Community-Based Biodiversity Management South Asia Programme (CBM-SA) Mid-Term Evaluation Report.pdf

Puttalam (Sri Lanka) Table 9. Participatory assessment of CBM practices in Bantiar, Sirajgonj (Bangladesh) Table 10. Proposed tool for monitoring community seed bank List of case studies Case study 1 ... in Mustang : A story of complex social ties Case study 3 : Making an income from seed sales in Bangladesh : men's and women's earnings. Case study 4 : Forming groups helps overcome caste discrimination