
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation

Evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation Mer om evalueringen 93s + landrapporter og annex See summary in English below Presentasjon av evalueringsrapporten ... Development Institute (ODI) i Storbritannia og Chr Michelsens Institutt i Bergen. Presentation of the evaluation report - English The report evaluates Norway’s support to strengthening women and girls’ rights


Evaluation Report: Young Voices Network, Southern Africa 2004

Evaluation Report: Young Voices Network, Southern Africa 2004 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117278 Background The Young Voices network is a network of youth groups and youth organisations ... the ability and capacity to take initiatives to addressing common issues. The objective of the evaluation was to: 1 Describe the Young Voices Network as it is today. 2 Make a profile of the youth who are


Management of Natural Resources Programme, Tanzania TAN-0092 : Final Evaluation

Management of Natural Resources Programme, Tanzania TAN-0092 : Final Evaluation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109608 188 Contents Volume 1: Main Report. Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations ... government and aid-supported macro-economic, fiscal, budgetary, and poverty reduction policies. • The evaluation was framed to be part of the planning of a new programme of management of natural resources in


External Evaluation of the NCA WASH Programme in Darfur

External Evaluation of the NCA WASH Programme in Darfur /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=388486 Background: NCA has been implementing a comprehensive WASH programme in Darfur since 2004 in ... beneficiaries in Nyala (South Darfur), Zalingei and Wadi Saleh (West Darfur). Purpose/ Objective: The evaluation aimed to evaluate the quality of the WASH programme of NCA in Darfur from 2008 until mid 200. Specifically


Tuinuane Women Project (TWP) End of project Evaluation

income generating activities and replication of groups through field agents. Purpose/objective The evaluation specifically sought to assess the project in 3 main areas; Impact and performance, program design ... owner, FPFK, could undertake to sustain the project as an institutional program. Methodology The evaluation involved extensive literature review of relevant material, field work, analysis of collected data


Guidelines-for-the-evaluation-process-and-reports Evaluation department Norad_updated May2022.pdf

Guidelines for the evaluation process and for preparing reports for the Evaluation Department These are the guidelines from the Evaluation Department on the evaluation process, the inception report ... report and the main report. The evaluation process All phases of the evaluation shall adhere to the DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation (OECD, 2011). While those standards are applicable


Uganda: Internasjonal bistand - og et ferskt valgresultat

sivilsamfunnsaktører. Lærdommer fra Uganda Evalueringsavdelingen i Norad lanserte nylig en egen Country Evaluation Brief for Uganda. Denne rapporten systematiserer funn fra eksisterende evalueringer om den internasjonale ... prosjektstøtte og kurvfinansiering fra 2012 har ført til svekket giverharmonisering. Les rapporten: Country Evaluation Brief - Uganda Disse kommer til webinaret Til webinaret kommer Pernille Sørensen fra Particip


IMPACT EVALUATION: “CDP and HIV/AIDS Programmes in Nepal”

IMPACT EVALUATION: “CDP and HIV/AIDS Programmes in Nepal” /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=380853 Background: Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) and Norwegian Red Cross (NRC) have been in a partnership ... of Lamjung, Makwanpur, Myagdi, Palpa and Sarlahi. Purpose/objective of the evaluation: The objective of the impact evaluation was to verify the overall efficiency and sustainability of the long-term partnership


LO-Norway - NOTU Final Evaluation Report 2015-2017

The evaluation of a project had led to building a strong and financially viable trade union movement in Uganda. The evaluation of a project had led to building a strong and financially viable trade union ... union movement in Uganda. 30 Background Project evaluation undertaken on behalf of LO-Norway and its co-operating partner in Uganda, the National Organization of Trade Unions (NOTU), covering the period