
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Mid-Term Evaluation Report ACT Capacity Building Project - Tunisia

during application and implementation of a project. The project period is 2019-2022. Mid-Term Evaluation Report ACT Capacity Building Project - Tunisia The goal of this project is strengthening the civil ... during application and implementation of a project. The project period is 2019-2022. Mid-Term Evaluation Report ACT Capacity Building Project - Tunisia The goal of this project is strengthening the civil


LO-Norway - NOTU Final Evaluation Report 2015-2017

The evaluation of a project had led to building a strong and financially viable trade union movement in Uganda. The evaluation of a project had led to building a strong and financially viable trade union ... union movement in Uganda. 30 Background Project evaluation undertaken on behalf of LO-Norway and its co-operating partner in Uganda, the National Organization of Trade Unions (NOTU), covering the period


Mid-term Evaluation. Interandean Valleys Agreement. 2004-2007 - Final Report

Mid-term Evaluation. Interandean Valleys Agreement. 2004-2007 - Final Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=381055 Background: Within the framework of the mission and objectives of MAN-B ... Environment, Gender and Institutional Strengthening. Purpose/objective: The overall objective of the evaluation was to: “Analyse the concept and pertinence of the Agreement for Integrated Development of the


Evaluation of the Institutional Development Project 2005 - 2007

Evaluation of the Institutional Development Project 2005 - 2007 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=132946 Background: In September 2001, IECA introduced to ICCO the institutional project analysis ... leadership. Interviews with key DASEP staff members and church leaders of IECA took place as well. The evaluation included also some meetings with representatives of a number of DASEP international partners like:


Indonesia: Internasjonal bistand – og skogsatsing

Lærdommer fra Indonesia Evalueringsavdelingen i Norad offentliggjorde nylig en rapport – Country Evaluation Brief – som systematiserer funn fra eksisterende evalueringer om den internasjonale bistandsinnsatsen ... tjenester. I tillegg økte lokale myndigheters andel av skatteinntektene. Last ned rapporten: Country Evaluation Brief - Indonesia Program for webinaret Jörn Dosch fra Particip GmbH presenterer hovedfunn fra