
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Indonesia: Internasjonal bistand – og skogsatsing

Lærdommer fra Indonesia Evalueringsavdelingen i Norad offentliggjorde nylig en rapport – Country Evaluation Brief – som systematiserer funn fra eksisterende evalueringer om den internasjonale bistandsinnsatsen ... tjenester. I tillegg økte lokale myndigheters andel av skatteinntektene. Last ned rapporten: Country Evaluation Brief - Indonesia Program for webinaret Jörn Dosch fra Particip GmbH presenterer hovedfunn fra


Evaluation report of Building and Wood Workers International BWI/BWTUC, Cambodia

Evaluation report of Building and Wood Workers International BWI/BWTUC, Cambodia /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=399229 As of November 2011, BWTUC has 12 affiliate unions and three community-based ... Penh, Siem Reap and Kampot. BWTUC emerged from the merger of two key constructions unions in the country namely the Cambodia Construction Trade Union Federation (CCTUF), based in Siem Reap and the Cambodia


Evaluation of thirty eight Union Development Centres for Women in Bangladesh

Evaluation of thirty eight Union Development Centres for Women in Bangladesh /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=166767 84 Womenfolk in Bangladesh are in a deplorable socio-economic condition; ... are required to stay mostly within the confines of their homes and outside the main stream of the country's development activities. The creation of awareness and development of appropriate skills are the


Wool Processing and Marketing Project Final Evaluation, April 2008

Wool Processing and Marketing Project Final Evaluation, April 2008 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=132918 Background: WPMP started in 2001 through a merger of different wool processing activities ... and marketing outlet (TA) and a training unit (WCCC). Purpose/objective: The main reason for the evaluation is to get an overview of the current situation; how successful the project has been in increasing