
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Regional CBNRM Capacity Building Project, Southern Africa – Report on the Evaluation of the Inception Phase

Regional CBNRM Capacity Building Project, Southern Africa – Report on the Evaluation of the Inception Phase /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117363 Background Covers the following countries: ... Malawi (MWI), Mozambique (MOZ), Namibia (NAM), South Africa (RSA), Zambia (ZAM), Zimbabwe (ZIB) The evaluation report covers the Inception Phase of the WWF Southern Africa Regional Community-based Natural Resource


Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration's Approach to Portfolio Management

Download the evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration's Approach to Portfolio Management from February 2020 from the Evaluation Department at Norad. Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration's ... Administration's Approach to Portfolio Management Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration's Approach to Portfolio Management Last ned evalueringen porteføljer i bistandsadministrasjonen fra februar 2020


Civil Society and People’s Participation, Final Evaluation of the Grassroots Democracy Project

Civil Society and People’s Participation, Final Evaluation of the Grassroots Democracy Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117473 Background The program is in direct support of government's ... developing a replicable approach for building democracy and civil society. Purpose/objective The Final Evaluation follows up on previous medium term review, conducted in May 2006. As such it assesses progress


Final evaluation for MIRD I, Midterm review for MIRD II

dedicated to consolidate four integrated development projects within the MIRD Program. An external evaluation was conducted november 2012 and the report finalized in 2013. The second phase 2014-2018 (MIRD ... (Mahajanga, from 2015); MIRD East. The evaluation had 15-days with field visits and targeted the South and West regions (Ihosy and Tulear). Initially the external evaluation was planned for 2016, but for reasons


Mid term evaluation report - CLED Maringue: Promotion of sustainable energies

Mid term evaluation report - CLED Maringue: Promotion of sustainable energies /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=386701 Background: This project is being implemented by ADEL-Sofala in Maringue ... sustainable practices in the use of natural resources. Purpose/objective of the evaluation: This intermediate evaluation should help the local project committee, ADEL-Sofala and Naturvernforbundet to make


Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNDP Timor-Leste Parliamentary Project- Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy in Timor-Leste

Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNDP Timor-Leste Parliamentary Project- Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy in Timor-Leste /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109811 54 The Project The planned ... by Australia, Norway, Sweden and UNDP. The report is a midterm review. Interesting Findings The evaluation team concludes that after two years of implementation, overall capacity development gains to the


Evaluation of the Public Support to the Norwegian NGOs Working in Nicaragua 1994–1999

Evaluation of the Public Support to the Norwegian NGOs Working in Nicaragua 1994–1999 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165428 89 This evaluation concerns Norwegian Public Support to NNGOs ... to Nicaragua. The evaluation included the work of 8 NNGOs currently working in Nicaragua and 15 of the projects that they support. Over 200 people were interviewed during the evaluation of whom some 120