
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Civil Society and People’s Participation, Final Evaluation of the Grassroots Democracy Project

Civil Society and People’s Participation, Final Evaluation of the Grassroots Democracy Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117471 Background The program is in direct support of government's ... developing a replicable approach for building democracy and civil society. Purpose/objective The Final Evaluation follows up on previous medium term review, conducted in May 2006. As such it assesses progress


Evaluation of Norway’s Anti-Corruption Efforts as part of its Development Policy and Assistance

Evaluation of Norway’s Anti-Corruption Efforts as part of its Development Policy and Assistance 77 Formålet med denne evalueringen er å bidra til å styrke Norges innsats mot korrupsjon. Evalueringen ... informasjon om deltakere og agenda finnes her.  978-82-8369-043-9 Nordic Consulting Group (NCG) Evaluation Department at Norad 5/2020 <ul><li><a href="/link/87690c5672ea406182befc53eb652faf.aspx">Ant


Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health : An Evaluation of the IPPF

Reaching Poor People with Services in Sexual and Reproductive Health : An Evaluation of the IPPF /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109610 101 + 207 The Project The International Planned Parenthood ... (2005-2015) has prioritised the five areas of adolescents, HIV/AIDS, abortion, advocacy and access. The evaluation focuses on the work of member associations in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Uganda. Interesting Findings