
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Civil Society and People’s Participation, Final Evaluation of the Grassroots Democracy Project

Civil Society and People’s Participation, Final Evaluation of the Grassroots Democracy Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117469 Background The program is in direct support of government's ... developing a replicable approach for building democracy and civil society. Purpose/objective The Final Evaluation follows up on previous medium term review, conducted in May 2006. As such it assesses progress


Evaluation of Norway’s Anti-Corruption Efforts as part of its Development Policy and Assistance

Evaluation of Norway’s Anti-Corruption Efforts as part of its Development Policy and Assistance 77 Formålet med denne evalueringen er å bidra til å styrke Norges innsats mot korrupsjon. Evalueringen ... informasjon om deltakere og agenda finnes her.  978-82-8369-043-9 Nordic Consulting Group (NCG) Evaluation Department at Norad 5/2020 <ul><li><a href="/link/87690c5672ea406182befc53eb652faf.aspx">Ant


Taken for Granted? An Evaluation of Norway's Special Grant for the Environment

Taken for Granted? An Evaluation of Norway's Special Grant for the Environment /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165423 68 Executive summary The Special Grant for Environment and Development ... countries and to incorporate environmental considerations into overall Norwegian aid. The present evaluation, focusing on the period 1995–2000, is meant to describe and assess the Grant as an instrument,


Evaluation of LO-Norway Programme of Co-operation with Zambia Congress of Trade Unions

Evaluation of LO-Norway Programme of Co-operation with Zambia Congress of Trade Unions /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=419447 Background: The cooperation between the Norwegian Confederation ... Purpose/objective: The basis of the evaluation is to determine the performance and progress of the programme cooperation, and to gauge if results or objectives are being met. The evaluation was also deemed necessary


Evaluation of Norway’s support for advocacy in the development policy arena

tradition of undertaking the role of an international prime mover in the development policy arena. The evaluation provides a comparative assessment of Norway`s advocacy role in four global engagements - maternal ... financial flows, and the Norwegian government`s ongoing education initiative. The objective of this evaluation was to identify the driving factors that determine the achievement of Norway’s advocacy outcomes


Evalueringsprogrammet 2019-2021

for Norges partnerland ble påbegynt i 2016. Til nå er det utarbeidet syntesestudier (Country Evaluation Briefs) for 11 partnerland. Studier av de resterende fem partnerlandene (Uganda, Ghana, Niger ... Donors to partners? Evaluation of Norwegian support to strengthen civil society in developing countries through Norwegian organisations 2016 E / 1.16 Chasing civil society? Evaluation of Fredskorpset


Mutambara Mother and Child Survival Training and Program Development –Zimbabwe Project Evaluation

Mutambara Mother and Child Survival Training and Program Development –Zimbabwe Project Evaluation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117485 Background The Mutambara Mother Child Survival Training ... The total population of the catchment area is 17,000. The evaluation was carried out between December 2006 and February 2007. The evaluation's main scope was to assess actual project achievements, document