
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Thematic Evaluation of Save the Children Norway's Cooperation with Partners – Mozambique Case Study

Thematic Evaluation of Save the Children Norway's Cooperation with Partners – Mozambique Case Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=396202 Background In Mozambique, the partnership approach ... innovator, voice for children and in achieving results at scale. Purpose/objective The purpose of this evaluation was to provide an insight into SCN’s work with partners, build learning and ensure accountability


Strategic Evaluation Study: Support to the development of National Societies Financial Management Capacity

Strategic Evaluation Study: Support to the development of National Societies Financial Management Capacity Strategic Evaluation Study: Support to the development of National Societies Financial Management ... Management Capacity Strategic Evaluation Study: Support to the development of National Societies Financial Management Capacity 57 Background As part of the 2017-2020 Norad grant agreement QZA-16/0386, NorCross


Mid-Term Evaluation of Hintalo Wajirat Livelihood Development Project.pdf

implementation period using different modalities as reporting, field visits for monitoring and evaluation, etc. Experts from REST head quarter and coordination offices have been monitoring the progress ... development project. In addition, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) livelihood coordinator and Monitoring and Evaluation experts have also been visiting the watersheds and discussed with beneficiaries and REST representatives


Nytter bistanden til Somalia?

Nytter bistanden til Somalia? Norads evalueringsavdeling har samlet tidligere kunnskap. Norads evalueringsavdeling presenterer et kortfattet sammendrag av evalueringer i Somalia. 11,6 ... landrapport – Country Evaluation Brief – om Somalia. Rapporten inneholder en kortfattet presentasjon av evalueringsfunn om den internasjonale bistandsinnsatsen i landet. Les hele rapporten: Country Evaluation Brief